View Full Version : I think I've found my answer for working with birds

08-14-2007, 10:54 PM
I know this is really, really random, but nobody I tell is quite so excited for me as I feel bird lovers would be.:rolleyes: I'm currently a fashion designer and hate it, its killing my soul.:x I know that I want to do something with birds- conservation focused, but most programs require a Biology undergrad degree. I have a Political Science degree...
Penn State has Wildlife and Fisheries graduate Degree. and you can concentrate on ornithology!
here is a description:
"Programs are designed to give students an understanding of the biology and management of terrestrial or aquatic wildlife species and their environments, and include training in fish and wildlife ecology, nutrition, physiology, behavior, and pathology of wildlife species; study of successional stages, land use, and management of various habitats and their impact on fish and wildlife populations; population dynamics and manipulation of animal numbers; and studies of recreational, aesthetic, and socioeconomic values of fish and wildlife."

I can use my political Science degree for the public policy issues, and my incomplete science background will be completed in graduate classes.
I just want to help save birdies homes and keep them in the wild. I was beginning to feel like I'd end up designing dumb clothes forever and never get the motivation to go back to school if I had to start over with Biology.

does anybody know of any other similar programs?

08-17-2007, 08:10 AM
Wow! That sounds like a neat program, but science would definately have to be something you liked. Cause this ain't no pet bird stuff:rofl: . It's funny how there are tons of people who would love to be doing what you're doing, but that's what makes us all different......I don't know of any programs like this but I've never looked. I'm sure they have others that are similiar. If you decide to apply GOOD LUCK!