View Full Version : A message for Dani

08-15-2007, 07:37 PM
I remember you posting this:

Congratulations on the lovely new birdie...!! i'm sure she's overjoyed to be with your family.
Lucky you with the bf who wants more birds :lol... but a cautionary note... the more birds you get, the more enthusiastic he may get :x... i've only had my macaw less than 2mths and my bf wants a parrotlet... and i am probably going to go along with it... (of course)

in a thread of mine when I first got Skittles...

It's funny how TRUE that statement is... So... where's the little parrotlett in your signature.. if only he/she knew they were being left out!!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

08-15-2007, 08:09 PM
ha ha i've been thinking the same thing! and I've also been wanting to tell you Dani, i absolutely LOVE your pic of evie in your avatar, I feel like I know her just from that one pic!

08-16-2007, 02:27 PM
I think you should try to get Evie all floofered and take a photo.. that would be priceless!!!

08-17-2007, 07:04 PM
If it were up to Evie, she would be on a photo shoot 24/7 :x... I have never seen any living thing pose for pics as willingly as Evie :lol
Ittyandrita... Evie just has too much personality for me... I know OWAs are not supposed to be the best talkers, but Evie is amazing, and she is starting to freak me out sometimes by her dead on accurate imitations. I think I need to post up a clip of the noises coming from my house on evenings here :lol. It's like an insane asylum, my mom says.
Kirby: Oki the wee parrotlet is shy... on the first day he came, he was exploring the cage and nibbling some millet and suddenly Ammy let out this big YELL!!! and poor Oki pretty much catapulted to the other side of the cage with fear... I can only imagine how a huge- Ammy- scream sounded to that little one:o

Surprisingly, I am totally enjoying the multiple- bird thing though. I told the bf when I got the p'let, "I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into... because I'm not stopping at four!!" :lol :lol :lol :lol

08-17-2007, 07:26 PM
Awe no... big Ammy screams compared to tiny p'let ears... that would definitely hurt and scare the crap out of ... well.. ANYTHING for that matter...

08-17-2007, 07:55 PM
Oh God, when I'm kissing his face and he happens to scream... I feel like if the scream is a physical object that went INTO my ear...And when he goes on his weird little 'barking' sprees. It's unbelievable. You think a lovie is loud until you hear an Amazon, and you think an Amazon is loud until you hear a macaw... and then suddenly you would rather hear the lovie screaming all day!! :lol

But... I love the big fella, earsplitting voice and all....:D