View Full Version : Nice outing and birdie fever

08-17-2007, 08:17 AM
I took the kids for a really nice outing yesterday. We went to our local Petco for some new perches. (Not where we bought Tutti Frutti, which is a parrot shop much further away).

The store was CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN. The birds looked so well tended to . It was so nice!

And as for birdie fever...

There were two sun conures, each in their own cage. Both came forward to the bars of the cage, all but saying "scritch my beak! I'm here to play!"

My 9 year old son scritched and scritched. He loved that birdie! And so did I...

We washed up well when we came home but boy. I can't get those conures out of my mind. :blush:

08-17-2007, 10:32 AM
Oh I caught that same fever awhile ago. We have a local bird shop that has about 10 open perch areas where they display many of their birds. You can go and pick up any you like...the sun conures have just stolen my heart. It's all I can do to put them back and walk out...but someday that may change - I hope!!


08-18-2007, 10:04 AM
At my first bird fair ever my husband and I saw Sun conures. We were both bitten by the birdie bug. I would love to get a Sun but it will not be for a while still if ever. But a girl can dream.


08-18-2007, 10:49 AM
Must agree! Love Sun Conures, but they are too loud for the place I currently live. I guess you just have to go and get one, so we can live vicariously through you! :whistle:

08-18-2007, 02:13 PM
I love conures too, all of them, any color, any shape, any size.

They can be very loud though, so that is what steers me away from them.