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08-18-2007, 07:41 PM
ok this might be a stupid question but how smart are lovebirds?
Will my lovebird think I am another person if I wear glasses or a hat or have my have coloured?
I always wear contact lenses and occasiionally glasses and was wondering if I am confusing her by doing this?

08-18-2007, 08:11 PM
He'll know who you are. Everybody on the planet could walk by my house talking and Ditto won't notice them. Let me get within 30 feet of my house and whisper his name and he goes nuts. He can't see me but he knows I'm there. :happy:

08-18-2007, 08:19 PM
A lot depends on how our birds recognize us. If you lovebird recognizes you by sound, appearance will not make one iota of difference. However, I had a Quaker Parrot (yrs ago) who recognized me by sight. One week, I got my hair cut much shorter (from shoulder length) and that was OK. The following week, I got contact lenses and my Quaker no longer recognized me, as my glasses were missing! My Tiel knew me by my voice so she was OK with the changes. The Quaker, on the other hand, ran away from me for a week before she made the visual connection that I was still me. I just looked different!

08-19-2007, 01:26 AM
You know, I think when their young and haven't exactly bonded enough your appearance can throw them off a bit. Some colours like red or yellow can raise a little caution or curiosity. I threw out an old hat with an orange emblem on it that kept my lovebird Goofy away from me. It also kept him quiet too. I felt it was upsetting to him so I rid of it. Sometimes flappy clothing or a blanket being fluffed about can startle them too as it may resemble a flock. Now I do wear prescription eyeglasses but it makes no difference if their on or off. When we're together, sometimes I don't wear them because he climbs on them and hangs upside down to look at me.8o Kinda hard to focus on him when he's that close........Goofy and Michael

08-19-2007, 06:21 AM
My lovebirds always ecognised me but always noticed any changes made to my appearance. For example, my lovebird Sam ( years ago!) knew exactly who I was but also noticed the nail polish on my fingers. She would attack me until it was removed. She would perch on my shoulder no problem but as soon as she would see my fingers, that was it. There was something invading me and she had to do something about it.

My grey has no problem with me wearing glasses or removing them. On the other hand, if my husband puts his glasses on to read something, Max starts shaking. I got my hair cut last weekend. My hair were down to the middle of my back and alwasy pulled back. Now they are mid neck. Max was a little iffy about it until I pulled my hair back.

It can take them a few days to ajust. I know a lady who takes her bird to the hair dresser when she gets a new haircut so her bird knows exactly what is going on and there are not too many surprises! :lol but I wouldn't go to that extend myself!

08-19-2007, 08:43 AM
My three do take note of major changes like a big hat or sunglasses. They know it's me but they won't come near me if I'm out of what they consider normal character. I keep a big hat around for monitoring my outside wild bluebirds (the male likes to dive-bomb me and the hat is for protection, :D) and sometimes I wear that hat in the bird room just to keep them OFF of me! :lol

08-19-2007, 01:26 PM
Glasses are fine... Earrings are evil and must be removed by birdies immediately... Fur coats are the devil incarnate and must be feared beyond all else, and every other birdie for a hundred miles around must be warned of its presence with insanely loud chirping.

Other than that, your birdie will know who you are.

08-19-2007, 02:52 PM
I have to wear a hat at work, and if I come home and still have my hat on, Baby will give me what for! Once I take off my hat, in a split second she will be on my shoulder, then on my head, and then hanging upside down from my bangs. Guess I'll never be able to let my bangs grow out.....

For the most part, she knows who I am, (however I may look at the moment) but she has NO PROBLEM telling me what she does'nt like! She does'nt like it when I wear sunglasses either.

08-19-2007, 04:21 PM
Glasses are fine... Earrings are evil and must be removed by birdies immediately... Fur coats are the devil incarnate and must be feared beyond all else, and every other birdie for a hundred miles around must be warned of its presence with insanely loud chirping.

Other than that, your birdie will know who you are.

Say Shy, about those earrings..... Do you think it would be OK if poeple removed them instead of their birdies? :D ...........Michael and Goofy

08-20-2007, 09:52 PM
One would think, but there will come a day when a not-so-bright momma, like myself, will forget and a birdie will need to do this dreaded deed. My birdie crushed a $3,000 pearshaped tanzanite, and now her momma NEVER forgets. I still cry when I look at that little earring's lonely mate.

08-22-2007, 05:04 PM
Oh my goodness!!!! I would cry too! Are earrlings really a problem? (my birds aren't here yet, 2, about 6 months old)

I have multiple earrings in each ear and they are pretty much NEVER removed or even changed... so if they meet me and I don't change them are they safe????

08-22-2007, 05:12 PM
Kirby has never really shown interest in my earrings. However.... when I am playing video games I get into a deep concentration so I bite my tongue, and with my tongue being pierced too.... Kirby couldn't figure out what that was in my mouth which was soooo shiney... so he naturally.. grabbed one end of the ball and pulled haha...

Skittles loves silver necklaces.... thank god im not much of a jewellery wearer :p

08-22-2007, 05:38 PM
Oh my goodness!!!! I would cry too! Are earrlings really a problem? (my birds aren't here yet, 2, about 6 months old)

I have multiple earrings in each ear and they are pretty much NEVER removed or even changed... so if they meet me and I don't change them are they safe????

Some will go after earrings and some won't. My older bird never touched one but the younger two....look out! For the first year I removed earrings but now, they have settled down and leave them alone for the most part. One member here lost a diamond stud to her lovie and she had to take her to the vet to make sure she was OK so that was one very expensive lesson.

For a few months after I got Shy, my watch kept stopping. I took it in twice to get a new battery and then another member here mentioned to me that one of her lovie likes to pull the stem out in her watch....YEP, that is exactly what Shy was doing. Pulling it out just enough to stop the time but not enough for me to notice it had been pulled out. :D

08-22-2007, 09:03 PM
OK now Goof absolutely loves to go after jewelry. And his fixation includes anything and everything. He "will" borrow them and is content to observe you searching for hours to find them. The only help he'll offer as time slips by is that look of "do you have any more?" I like jewelry! So, because we sell jewelry at open air markets, there used to be plenty of it laying around as we went through it to determine values. Not any more though. Not only was he mesmerized by it, he became no less than poignant about removing it from his beak/reach. So his cruel pappa now keeps it in one of those flat show cases under glass and has relocated himself and jewelry upstairs because even the sound of it gets him excited. I do occasionally let him preview it, through the glass of course, and have spent time watching him peck the glass to get at the jewelry. Mind you, not nearly quite as long as he's enjoyed watching me. Mean daddy :evil: mean mean daddy..............:evil: and Goofy