View Full Version : It's always something....

Buy A Paper Doll
07-04-2005, 05:46 PM
So today I found a lovebird with a rubber band around her neck. :eek: Melody. I tell you, this little bird is trouble! It was small and lightweight and fit her just like a little collar. She was perfectly fine with it until I tried to remove it. I had to pull on it a little bit to get the scissors under there, and then she freaked out. In her struggling and squirming to try to get away from me, she got her foot hooked on it (still around her neck) and every time she moved, the rubber band pulled tighter around her neck, causing her to freak out and make all kinds of terrible noises.

So she was freaking, I was freaking, Milo heard the commotion and then he was climbing me screaming. Hubby and I finally managed to cut the rubber band off her.

The thing is, I have no clue where she found the rubber band. I'm pretty obsessive with keeping the house clean and free of clutter so it's not like things like this are just lying around for her to find. Just another example of why it's important to supervise closely during out-of-cage playtime.

07-04-2005, 06:22 PM
Jennifer: I'm glad Melody found her way out of her rubberband noose. I'm telling you lovies are a danger to themselves and will do everything possible to bring swift and painful death to themselves if you don't watch out for them.

The worst rubberband story I have is when I had my Chopper. The bird area was set up in the living room with branches and stuff. For some ungodly reason I put a rubberband around one of the branches (I was still a naive bird owner) and was cleaning the kitchen one day when I heard screams of death coming from the living room. Chopper had not only gotten the rubberband caught and twisted around his neck, but he wasn't standing on anything and was literally hanging himself :eek:. I ran over and pick him and the whole branch up and ran and cut him out. It wasn't easy getting him out and I even damaged my foot on the branch in the process, but I got him out.

07-05-2005, 01:24 AM
Makes you wonder how long the rubber band was on there. Perhaps since she hatched. :omg:

Rubber bands are very dangerous, not just because of the choking hazard. They are a soft rubber and are easy to chew. Once that rubber hits the digestive juices in the abdomin, a toxin is released that will kill a birdie. You and your little 'sneaky bird' are very lucky.

07-05-2005, 07:22 AM

It is stories like this that reminds us just how much like toddlers they are. They will pick up any little thing they can find and do Lord knows what with it. I am amazed she got it around her neck though. Do ya think Milo helped her out a bit??? :roll:

I'm glad little Mel came through with no more than a good scare. You too, or did ya get a few good nips???

Buy A Paper Doll
07-05-2005, 08:04 PM
Oh, I was bitten, but by Milo, not Melody. It seems that the little guy is a bit protective of his girl. When he heard her distress calls, he came right over and attacked me.

It's just so scary. One minute everything is fine, and the next minute they're into all kinds of trouble. Mine have a particular desire to eat Things That Are Not Food. :roll:

07-06-2005, 11:46 AM
How scarey Jennifer.....lovebirds are the most curious little birds, aren't they? They really want to test everything with their beaks. Glad you saved the day.