View Full Version : Schreeching problem

08-19-2007, 04:12 AM
no matter how long I spend with my lovebird (who chirps but isn't overly loud during the day),Every Night at 7pm she goes crazy and won't stop schreeching.I talk to her and try to feed her food but she continues to squark until I put her in other room with a cover on and then she stops.If I leave her in the same room I am in but with the cover on she constantly flaps her wings.Is she just tired? I thought 7pm was a bit early to go to bed,although she is only two months old.

08-19-2007, 06:11 AM

I just need clarification one one thing. Does she still continue to flap her wings once she is covered or is it just because you stay in the same room?

I know all my birds are creatures of habbits. If your lovebird decides 7 pm is her bed time, then 7 pm it is. It may seem early to you but your lovebird sense that it needs that much sleep.

If you want to put her to bed later, make sure she is still getting 10 to 12 hours sleep, you can gradually change her night time 5 minutes at the time. Put her to be at 7:05 for a couple days, then increase it to 7:10 for a couple more days until you reach the time you want but still ensuring she gets enough sleep every night.

I hope that helps,

08-19-2007, 02:51 PM
yes she continues to flap even when I am in the rooom.
I will try that and see what happens.:D