View Full Version : Another one??? I must be crazy!!!

Ozzie's Mom
08-19-2007, 03:09 PM
Well, it seems as if I've gotten myself into a bit of a conundrum. A few weeks back I answered a ladies ad who was looking for a new home for her 6 year old peachie, Pixie. Apparently her roommate left her with a cat and Pixie now spends almost all her time in her cage.
I finally spoke to the lady today, who told me she's leaving on a trip for the next week, but will call me when she returns and said she will bring Pixie to me. (She comes with two cages and all her stuff, and the lady doesn't want anything for her besides a good, loving home... which I can provide.).
So, in light of the fact that I already have Shye and Ozzie ... am I crazy to consider adding another girl to the flock? Ugh... sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these things!! :rofl: But I want her! :roll: :happy:

08-19-2007, 03:20 PM
I know we've said it here before and we will continue to say it! Lovebirds can be addictive!! While we have a few holdouts in our community (Dave.....Perran....), many of us are finding that 2+ are double+ the fun! You just have to know when you're reached your limit of proper care for everyone. :)

08-19-2007, 03:31 PM
I think you are more sane than I am to stick to one specie only. I lost my mind a long time ago and am to 5 birds, 3 different species. Such drama! a real soap opera!

As Linda said, as long as you know your limit and are able to provide proper care to all of them, there is nothing wrong with having one more.

Ozzie's Mom
08-19-2007, 03:40 PM
LOL ... thanks girls!!! I love that "one more won't hurt" advice! I've already considered the possiblity of eventually having to have 4 (two pairs, if they decide to bond, but NOOOOO breeding!!! I will draw the line there :rofl: ) I'm more than able to provide proper care for them ... all three/four of them if that's the way it goes ;).
My poor husband just looked at me and sighed when I first mentioned it to him ... but being the amazing partner he is he just said "If you really want her, honey ... bring her home." I looooooove him!!!
Oh, I also have a lead on a giant flight cage (good for daytime, I'm thinking). And Ozzie has now discovered the art of escaping his cage!! LOL ... time for some clips I think!!! :rofl:

Ozzie's Mom
09-09-2007, 08:44 PM
Well, it's official ... I am now the proud new mommy of "Pixie" who just so happens to be a Dutch Blue Lovie. :D I will post pics tomorrow!!! :happy: Pixie is almost 7 years old, a boy I suspect (never been in heat and never laid) and I discovered today has been fed what is essentially finch food and millet spray her whole life. :O Well, I immediately cleaned her cage (and water bottle which was kinda gross) and added the seed/pellet mix Ozzie and Shye get, along with some other treats and an Avi Cake. She dove right in!! But seemed to bring some of it back up not long after... I think considering she's been eating nothing but those tiny little seeds she's going to need some practice!! Regardless, she wasn't the least bit phobic about any of it. We'll see what she does with the treats. She's great fun already, as she answers me when I call her name and was copying my son when he bobbed his head in front of her!! LOL

09-09-2007, 09:01 PM

09-09-2007, 09:02 PM
Congratulations:D i love the name, and I'm sure he is a beautiful birdie. Can't wait to see pics.

09-09-2007, 09:02 PM
Good deal!!!

09-09-2007, 09:40 PM
Sometimes it good to be a little crazy. :rotfl Best wishes for Pixie and her new family! :) :) .........From Michael and Goofy's sleeping

09-09-2007, 09:41 PM
Great news

Ozzie's Mom
09-09-2007, 10:49 PM
Thanks everyone! I'm so excited to have her ... she's a real ham, this one! :rotfl She's incredibly relaxed and will go to anyone who'll have her! She was yelling so loudly over dinner that I caved in and took her out ... immediately after which she settled on my shoulder and gave her self (and my hair) a good once over. Not the least bit skittish about anything or anyone ... her previous mommy did a good job with socializing her. I suppose it's either that or after 7 years Pixie's just seen it all!! :rofl:
Anyway ... pictures are to follow!!

09-10-2007, 08:18 AM
My first lovie, Oliver, was adopted at about 7 years old and like Pixie, had never laid an egg so it was safe to assume he's a he! :D He's been with us for just over 4 years now and it has been the greatest experience. :)

Oliver came with a filthy cage and if his water dish was changed every three days, I'd be surprised. Fresh seed, what's that? :roll: That first year with him was just amazing to watch him settle in and realize that he would get fresh seed every day, twice a day, and the water bowl was changed at least 3 times a day. We (some members here and my vet) think that Oliver probably rationed his seed since he didn't get much so he was very, very thin. I am proud to say that he's gained 7 to 8 grams and has figured out that there will never be a food shortage in his life again.

Good luck with Pixie! I love a good adoption/rescue story! :D