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08-19-2007, 03:23 PM
This is long and hard to watch at times. However, it gets easier about 3/4 of the way through. How I wish we were more educated as far as our animal companions are concerned!

08-19-2007, 06:55 PM
Linda, thank you so much for sharing this link. Very hard to watch but important, to say the least.

This video adds to my feelings about "casual" breeding. There are already too many unwanted birds in this world and I feel strongly that breeding should be left to breeders who are prepared, know when to slow down and know what the demand is. Too many parrots are bought on a whelm and then doesn't everyone want at least one clutch of adorable little babies? Of course, but I hope this will make people think before they add more birds to a population where so many are already abandoned. And if "expensive" parrots are abandoned and given up so easily, a "cheap" little lovebird could become a throw away pet even faster. :( :( :(

08-19-2007, 08:15 PM
Thank you for sharing the link Linda. :cry: More often in the past I've seen many larger species of birds abandoned regardless of their initial cost. The confusion and despair is so obvious when you look into their eye's. To have to witness such beautiful creatures in that condition adjudicates what some of us have done as caretakers to our inheritance of life and resources. At least there are two sides to this tradegy, for which we still have much to learn from.............Michael and Goofy lovebird

08-20-2007, 10:26 AM
My heart aches for those precious creatures. Blessings on those who see that these birds have value and deserve a life of love and comfort. I want to go there and help, volunteer, something. But since I'm in So. Calif, I can't. But I can check here locally and see what kind of efforts are being made to help. I'm sure this problem is wide spread (sad to say) and help is needed. I just can't look into those beautiful eyes and do nothing. Thanks Linda, for sharing this, and for the reminder that we all need to be very careful about breeding our birds.
