View Full Version : Paper and lovies...

08-20-2007, 03:41 PM
I was just wondering if the shredding paper habit, and chewing on paper..a hen only behavior or if all lovies love to destroy paper!?!:rolleyes:

08-20-2007, 04:37 PM
Christian, my three boys all love to chew/shred paper. They don't shred it into strips and tuck it but kind of make little spit balls with it. When tucking occurs, that is normally hen behavior but even some males have been known to tuck. :D

08-20-2007, 04:42 PM
I think both genders shred and tuck.

Skittles, I have been told, is a proven female and shreds paper in a PERFECT line and tucks it perfectly as well.
Kirby's chewing, when compared side by side to Skittles' is like ALL OVER THE PLACE. And it takes him a couple more seconds to "chew and tuck" as well.

08-20-2007, 06:32 PM
They are funny little birdies!
I noticed that Estrella had a few strips of paper in his food and water bowls this morning..and then I caught him chewing on it! haha
I think he is more chewing...he's actually been on a stack of papers before and just kind of bit at it..but no actual shredding..

I use shredded paper as litter in the bottom of his cage under the grate..i think he got into it when he dropped some millet...they are very small pieces and mostly plain paper..i thought that it would be a good way to recycle! haha