View Full Version : Poo everywhere!

08-20-2007, 06:36 PM
Ok so not sure if this is the proper place to start this thread but oh well...
So my lil Estrella poo's ALL the time! and I know that birds do, but I was wondering if with age, can they control it more? Or if its not as frequent! I am getting good exercise running and getting paper towels all the time! :lol

I think I should have named him winnie the pooh bird!!:D

~oh and by the way all looks normal with color and urate..just in case its important! I should def know as most of the time its on my hand!

08-20-2007, 09:55 PM
Every fifteen minutes is normal for a lovie.

Investment suggestions:
Carpet cleaner with upolstery attachment.
A dowel hung in the window with a poop tray beneath it.
A robust little sherpa with a big roll of paper towels.

08-20-2007, 10:24 PM
Lol, where can I get one of these sherpa's??:lol

08-20-2007, 10:30 PM
Every fifteen minutes is normal for a lovie.

Investment suggestions:
Carpet cleaner with upolstery attachment.
A dowel hung in the window with a poop tray beneath it.
A robust little sherpa with a big roll of paper towels.

Thanks for the info! I think that I should be able to buy stock in paper towels before too long! :lol

08-21-2007, 07:45 AM
And one more "must have"......POOP OFF! :D I buy the spray bottle for cage cleaning and use the Poop Off wipes for daily cage cleaning. Christian, you'll get so used to the poop that you'll stop noticing it! :D I've gone to work with it in my hair, on the back of my shirt and even found some on my belt buckle one day. :D A word of advice regarding poop in the hair....let it dry and it will flick right out! :lol

Good question, Shy! Where did you find that little sherpa? :rofl:

08-21-2007, 12:41 PM
I use a great cleaner called


It is SAFE for fish to SWIM IN ... and humans can drink it without being poisoned.
I use this all the time to clean the poopies off of: their cages, my pillows, blankets, the carpet, my computer desk, my keyboard... etc

(of course me being paranoid, I USUALLY dont have the brats in the same room....)

08-21-2007, 01:08 PM
I've had moderate success with potty training Rico.

Not so much potty training, but getting him to Poo in the same spot.
His spot is the perch I hang by the window, and I just simply put a piece of wax paper under that perch. He will poo on the wax paper about 90% of the time when he is out of his cage. He will voluntarily fly to his perch to poo.

Just alot of time and positive reinforcement did the trick.

Other than that we should at least be happy that the poo's are very small, and easy to clean up, albiet they are pretty frequent.

Buy A Paper Doll
08-21-2007, 07:16 PM
Here's how I handled the poop situation in my house.

All surfaces (floors and furniture) in my "bird room" (uh, that would be the living room/dining room) wipe clean with a damp cloth, except for the area rugs, which have a sage green pattern on them, thus making poop disappear upon contact.

You think I'm kidding, don't you.

08-21-2007, 07:19 PM
so far my strategy is to try and keep a blanket or towel under his butt at all times...of course this does not work but about 65% of the time, the other percent is spent running and getting paper towels, or doing yet ANOTHER load of laundry! haha

08-21-2007, 07:23 PM
Want to know a handy idea :p... the pocket sized packs of Kleenex!!!

.... that.... or plastic wrap your couches ^_^

08-21-2007, 10:37 PM
You are new to birdie ownership. You will get used to the poop, even come to embrace it one day. Soon you will invite people over to visit and when they comment on the poop all over the place, you will tilt your head to the side with a look of total confusion on your face. On this very day you will be ready to get a few more lovies. I've tilted my head so many times I am up to ten birds now.

Oh, and I found the sherpa in the basement. He came with the house, and he doesn't do windows.

08-22-2007, 08:10 AM
You are new to birdie ownership. You will get used to the poop, even come to embrace it one day. Soon you will invite people over to visit and when they comment on the poop all over the place, you will tilt your head to the side with a look of total confusion on your face. On this very day you will be ready to get a few more lovies. I've tilted my head so many times I am up to ten birds now.

Oh, and I found the sherpa in the basement. He came with the house, and he doesn't do windows.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

My favorite part of that nonsense was "you will tilt your head to the side with a look of total confusion" That is the truth! :D:D:D

Doesn't do windows? Keep him! ;)