View Full Version : Goodbye :(

08-21-2007, 10:43 AM
Sorry, I know this is completley in the wrong section.

I had to return Lucy to the pet store, apparentley she wasn't "working out". I just wanted to say to everyone that you are all doing a great job helping out new lovie owners, and thanks a lot for your help and guidance. Keep it up everyone! Good luck with all your lovies and your life's endeavors.

thanks again,


08-21-2007, 10:45 AM
Sorry, I know this is completley in the wrong section.

I had to return Lucy to the pet store, apparentley she wasn't "working out". I just wanted to say to everyone that you are all doing a great job helping out new lovie owners, and thanks a lot for your help and guidance. Keep it up everyone! Good luck with all your lovies and your life's endeavors.

thanks again,


What do you mean" she was not working out"? What was a problem?

08-21-2007, 10:48 AM
Gosh Noah, I am sorry. What happened?

08-21-2007, 10:52 AM

Is everything OK? I don't understand what happened....:confused:

What happened with Lucy? I am very sorry you had to decide to do this.:cry:

08-21-2007, 11:05 AM
Awww noah! I am so sorry to hear this. I saw that you are 15 and that this was probably not 100% your choice. I know its rough being owned by a lovie for the first time. Lordy knows how hard it is to adjust to having a bird if you never had one before.(Ive had chloe for 4 months and I am still figuring this little creature out).

Very sorry to hear about lucy. =-( And good luck to you too!

08-21-2007, 11:18 AM
Very sorry to hear that "maybe" Lucy didn't work out with your lifesyle. Hopefully there was no problem returning her to the store owners that you've known for some time. I'm sure they would understand and we pray Lucy will utimately find a good home. If you feel it was in her best interest as well as your own, returning her early was the best thing you could do. Personally, you have my respect for those actions. At this point you know your welcome to stay with us in case perhaps there were other reasons for your decision. If not, we will always be here to help and offer support should you ever decide to reconsider......Take care Noah, and hope most your life endeavors are good too........Michael and Goofy

08-21-2007, 11:43 AM
I'm sorry you had to return Lucy...why wasn't she working out for you? Well, maybe later on you can get another one, or some other type of pet.

08-21-2007, 03:02 PM
I am so sorry Lucy didn't work out in your home. Maybe one day, when you are not living with your parents a lovebird will be able to fit into you life. For now, you are more than welcome to stick around this lovebird community. When you find a pet that is right for you for now, make sure to update us. Good luck.

08-21-2007, 03:12 PM
I'm sorry to hear that.:cry:

Good luck' with ur other pet.


08-23-2007, 03:02 PM
Thanks alot everyone! :) I'll stick around and check on you guys every once in a while!

The reason Lucy wasn't working out is because for the past few days she was squawking non-stop, and (yes this is a partially lame excuse) but she pooped ALOT everywhere, and I have baby brothers, and it wouldn't be good if one of them found a poop before I did. She was an adorable pet and was really alot of fun to have while I did. Its just that my family, as a whole, wasn't really prepared to have her. I have had many parakeets before, and it was never an issue. My dad works shift-work, so he often has to sleep during the day, and he NEEDS his sleep. Poor Lucy just didn't know how to stay quiet enough :) We all expected some noise, but she was ALOT noisier than any of us expected, and alot more noisy than any online resources I found on google described. I asked my neighbor if she wanted her, but nobody did :(. The pet store owners gladly took her back, and honestly she seemed MUCH happier with all old lovie friends, so this probably was a good thing. If I had her any longer, it would have been a verrrry tough decision to return her :(, so I am glad we decided it before I got super attatched. And yes, me bieng sixteen, I did want a pet, but I dunno, it might be better to get one when I'm alot older. It seems that most of you are middle aged adults and things are working out great! So, maybe in a good 20 years I'll get myself another lovie! She was so sweeeet. Oh, well ... I guess I'll just have to stick with virtual pets 'till I'm on my own haha, they're pretty fun. Thanks again everyone! Talk to you all soooooon :)


08-23-2007, 04:05 PM
Thank you for the update Noah. While I know it was hard for you to give her up, it just wasn't going to work out at the present time so the sooner for Lucy, the better. This will give her an opportunity of finding a new home before she's gotten too attached to you. I'm sure that someday there will be a right time for you to have another lovie or some other kind of parrot. :)

08-23-2007, 04:59 PM
I'm so sorry, Noah...

You know, pet ownership is a big responsibility. It's definitely something that takes a family commitment, whether you are the child or the adult.

In time you'll be able to open your heart AND home to a critter deserving of your love.

08-23-2007, 05:27 PM
I was worried that you were bored of little Lucy...

I am so relieved to find out you had younger siblings and that Lucy could've posted as a health hazard to them.
It is true about what you read on the internet. I have noticed COUNTLESS sites saying that Lovies are quiet. NO THEYRE NOT... whoever originally said th ey were quiet must've had either a mute or clinically depressed birdie.

I know you will find another lovie down the road who will be just as fun as Lucy!!!

I'm sorry to hear this all happened though

08-23-2007, 05:57 PM
Thanks alot for your support guys :) Haha I couldn't get bored of her she was pretty amazing :D.

08-23-2007, 08:41 PM
So sorry to hear about how things worked out! Know that this probably happened for a reason, and I'm sure that Lucy will find a wonderful home, and be very happy and healthy. And I agree with everyone else, someday when the time is right, you will find the right pet for you, whether it be a lovie or otherwise.
I am sure Lucy is better off for having known you.
Dani and the flock.