View Full Version : normal behavior??

08-21-2007, 08:13 PM
I have had my new lovie Carib for almost 3 wks now and he is still scared of me :( . I havent been able to hold him or let him out b/c anytime I open the cage, he becomes nervous, though I will say he doesnt freak out as much as he did 2 wks ago. Still, I feel like the process is draggin along and I dont know if I should be trying to interact w/him more and this certainly wasnt the progress for my parakeet and I years ago (though I realize they are different breeds and have different personality traits~). He is supposedly only a yr old this month. I dont want to let him out of his cage yet w/him being scared of me d/t 2 factors: 1) he will run from me when I go to put him back!, and 2) I have vaulted ceilings and his wings are clipped just yet.
As well, I was planning on taking him to get his wings trimmed on thurs and fear that this will traumatize him further b/c someone handling him?? :confused: I was going to cheat and try to hold him while he was out of his cage for the wing trimming but am unsure if this is a good idea or bad idea? Please advise me on what I should do and am I doing something wrong!?!

08-21-2007, 08:27 PM
Do you know the approximate age of Carib? and was he hand-fed?

08-21-2007, 08:36 PM
I dont know if he was hand-fed but he is supposed to have turned 1 this month....

08-21-2007, 08:37 PM
1 years old. i meant!..sorry :)

08-22-2007, 08:04 AM
If your lovie has been wild for a whole year, it is going to take some time to tame him and to get him to trust you. I've read about lovies no more than a couple of months old who were totally wild and needed lots of time for taming so....hang in there. Since there is no bond yet, I don't think a wing clip will be a "set back" when it comes to progress. Without a wing clip, it will take you much longer to begin any kind of taming when you are dealing with a wild one year old bird.

As far as holding him when he gets the clip, I would not. I wouldn't want him to associate this first clip with me. He'll probably sulk for a day or so but he will get over it and you'll stand a much better chance of bonding with him after the clip. Good luck! :)

08-22-2007, 08:54 PM
Ok thank you very much Janie, I wrote a similar question in the other forum before I read this, but I will definitely NOT hold him tomorrow now! But how long should I wait before trying to hold him for the first time and if I should, is there any certain way to go about it??
Thanks :)