View Full Version : First days

08-22-2007, 03:44 AM
Hi Everyone,
Today is a 2nd day I have my lovebird.
She is very quiet and I am not sure if everything is ok. The bird was very quiet during the transport which is perfectly normal I assume. Did not make a single noise. To avoid any additions discomfort, I have opened the box the way the bird could enter the cage by itself. It took her a few minutes before she decided to venture her new home. I was surprised how calm she was. Once in the cage, she made sure everyone noticed her arrival as she was screaming for at least 10min. She was not afraid of me at all. I have talked to her a bit. It must have been a very boring speech as she was grinding her beak and has fallen asleep soon after despite the lights being on and laud television.
Yesterday, when I came back from work she was quietly sitting on one of the perches. She was by herself for some time, so I switched the TV on for her. The bird did not move much for the next hour and did not make any noise. She would get more active if I come very close to the cage. She would also make some noise, but soon after I stop interact with her she gets quiet. I can be very close to the cage, but it is all ignored by her. When talking to her, after a few minutes she would grind her beak and soon after go to sleep. I know my speeches can be boring, but this happen every time I speak with her. This was after 7pm. Maybe she is used to fall asleep at this time, because despite the cage being in the living room, switched on lights and TV she does not seems to be bothered by it.
The breeder told me she used to stroke her inside the cage. I did put my hand inside yesterday. The bird did not freak out, but she walked around the cage avoiding my hand. I have left the cage door open for the bird to go outside if she wanted. I am not sure if it is not too early for that. She did not notice opened door and was unaware she could go out.
I gave her some apple as this supposed to be something she likes, but she did not try it. I have noticed she does not like to go to the bottom of the cage. The feeding bowls are quite low, so every time she takes some seeds up, she does it very quickly and come back to top perches.

Tomorrow she is 10 weeks old. I have read some post with owners having their new birds in their hands within days or week. I don't think I would be able to achieve that. The bird is not scared of me, but she does not like to be touched. I hope this will change...

08-22-2007, 08:14 AM
As long as she is eating and drinking, everything you are describing sounds perfectly normal! :D I like the way you let her enter her cage from the transport box instead of putting her in it yourself. Letting her get used to the cage and leaving the door open for her to venture out on her own is also a good idea. I think you are doing a great job! :D

08-22-2007, 08:39 AM
I can't get over how cute she is in your signature pic. My lovebirds all put themselves to sleep around 7 or 8, sometimes earlier in the winer.

08-22-2007, 08:53 AM
Thank you for your comments.
I feel better knowing she seems fine. I call the bird "she" but I don't really know if it's male or female.
The more I read about lovebirds the more I am concern if the bird turns out to be female. I hope they are not all "biters".

I will post some more pictures as lovie loves camera and the sound of click when making pictures...

08-22-2007, 08:59 AM
Not all hens are biters. :) Like us, however, some of them seem to be more hormonal than others. I've always found that really endearing about my hens; I could empathize with their desire to bite! Even during those times, you can usually find a way to protect your hands and body parts, and prevent getting bit yourself.

You have a very sweet-looking pied lovie. :) What is his/her name?

08-22-2007, 09:01 AM
please do! I look forward to them. Don't worry about her being she, I have a female and she does not bite, she beaks me and protects whatever her current sleeping area is (she now lays in a coconut shell its super cute) or when I handle her but she's never drawn blood or anything.

08-22-2007, 09:12 AM
I used to have a hand reared house sparrow which was very tamed and used to sleep in my shirt pockets and he used to bite my tiny mark on one of my hands. This however was not painful.
I am bit scared when comes to handle the lovebird as the beak looks stong and sharp:confused:

The bird does not have a name as yet. Any suggestions?

Do the lovebirds react when calling their names. The breeder called her Sherbert which I don't like much. She used to say that if bird turns out to be male I could loose the "S" and call him Herbert:lol

08-22-2007, 09:34 AM
I used to have a hand reared finch which was very tamed and used to sleep in my shirt pockets and he used to bite my tiny mark on one of my hands. This however was not painful.
I am bit scared when comes to handle the lovebird as the beak looks stong and sharp:confused:

Do not be afraid of your baby biting..as this will make it harder for you to bond with him/her.
Estrella bites me quite often when I try to get him to come out of his cage for playtime..but after that is very good and mostly just nips a little.
They nip at you out of curiosity, and for the most part do not seem to bite out of ill will.
I have had Estrella almost two weeks, and while sometimes his bites hurt, they have never broken skin...
Your lovie will at most probably just nip at you the first few days, the lovely biting seems to come after it gets more used to you...

08-22-2007, 09:40 AM
Ok, how do you take your bird out of the cage. I was planning to open the door and let the bird to find out the way out. I don't think she would let me to take her out...

08-22-2007, 09:52 AM
It all sounds fine... just keep leaving her cage open when you can, I bet she'll eventually make her way out. Also, if she lets you, try to hold her, the more you can, the faster she'll bond to you. You dont have to hold them to bond, but if she lets you, do it. Their beaks are stong, and can hurt. But, not so much to keep you from doing it again, and again, ya know..

By the way shes so pretty..I wish I could think of some names, im not really good with that. Shyla, Buttercup, Sydney, Bailey, Maggie, Piper..well theres some!

08-22-2007, 09:59 AM
It all sounds fine... just keep leaving her cage open when you can, I bet she'll eventually make her way out. Also, just keep trying to hold her, the more you can, the faster she'll bond to you.

What do you mean by "keep trying to hold her"? I will try to make her step on my hand but I won't try to catch her in my hands. I don't think she would be happy...

Cool name, thank you. I like Piper, but not sure if it ok for a girl:happy:

08-22-2007, 10:05 AM
I mean just keep trying to play with her/hold her, ONLY if she doesnt have a problem with it. If she puts up a fuss when you try and catch her than maybe it would be best to wait until she comes around... but if she doesn't, than I would try to hold her.

08-22-2007, 10:10 AM
I mean just keep trying to play with her/hold her, if she doesnt quite know how to step up, she may have a hard time stepping up on your hand. If she puts up a fuss when you try and catch her than maybe it would be best to wait until she comes around... but if she doesn't, than I would try to hold her.

I will leave the cage open this afternoon. Let's see how she behaves outside the cage. I hope she will be willing to interact..

08-22-2007, 10:14 AM
yea, keep us updated on her progress! :)

08-22-2007, 10:15 AM
You don't really need to hold your bird in order to bond with her. In fact, I wouldn't do that initially; the bird probably would feel threatened and want to escape, and I know that's not the reaction you want.

I would bring the entire cage into a small, safe room; bathrooms work well if the commode lid is closed, all cupboards are shut, there's nothing the bird can get inside of, and mirrors are covered with towels. (Mirrors can be visually confusing.) Once you and the bird in its cage are in the bathroom, open the cage door and let the bird come out on its own. Let it get used to you being there with it.

Keeping this early interaction limited to one room is generally better for the bird's safety and feelings of security.

Outside of the bathroom, sitting near the cage, talking to your bird, eating meals near the bird, all these things will help the bird get used to you as a member of its new flock; that's really what you are aiming for. Equality, not ownership, makes a strong parrot-human bond. :)

Best wishes,

08-22-2007, 10:22 AM
Why would bathroom be better than the room where the cage is pernamently?
Wouldn't the bird feel more scared in the bathroom as she has never seen it before.

08-22-2007, 10:29 AM
If you can close off that room the cage is already in, then go for it! :) It's the size of the bathroom that is most beneficial -- that and the fact that there are limited places for the bird to hide in that room. I don't know what room your bird is currently in, or how well it can fly, but the room most of my bird cages are in have quite a few high places my bird can perch away from me, and furniture they can crawl behind or under, possibly getting stuck.

In general, the smaller the space, the more secure the bird will feel ... and the less trouble it can get into. :2cents:

08-22-2007, 10:41 AM
I was convinced that I had a boy because I have never been bitten and Chloe is SUPER laid back when it comes to me(even though shes not thrilled when i handle her) But I turns out She really is a She. I cant picture her biting me but I am sure that day will come.

if shes not biting at you now when you are new to her you might have a little semi non biter. (i dont believe that any of these angels are completely bite free)

But boy/girl your lovie is so beautiful!

08-22-2007, 11:53 AM
Your new baby is soooooo cute!:happy:

After looking at the picture, these names come to mind:

Cotton, Popcorn, Snowball, Daisy, Sunshine.

08-22-2007, 01:16 PM
Ok, how do you take your bird out of the cage. I was planning to open the door and let the bird to find out the way out. I don't think she would let me to take her out...

Well I leave the cage door open all the time when I am home, so that he knows he is free to come out when he wants...sometimes he does...but I made the mistake of buying a happy hut and he is in love with it!
Usually I just scoop him up from in there...

Just make sure you don't pull on your birdie too hard..they like to attach their feet to things! Also, I just usually scoop Estrella up..and after 1 bite we are usually ok!

08-22-2007, 01:19 PM
I like :
Nelly for a Girl and Nelson for a boy. Cane, Nala, Mae

I think carrie took the good ones though lol Daisy and Sunshine

08-22-2007, 01:20 PM
I like :
Nelly for a Girl and Nelson for a boy. Cane, Nala, Mae

I think carrie took the good ones though lol Daisy and Sunshine

Yes, I think I like the Sunshine:clap