View Full Version : Another Mimi/Mango update

08-23-2007, 09:51 PM
Well it has been a long time since I have had a chance to post any progress on my two lovies. Our family has gone through alot of changes the past two months. My husband and I both graduated. As such we have left Louisville and moved to Boston. I was worried that things would get pretty hectic and that the birds would be be highly stressed....but things have worked out better than I could have imagined.

The biggest problem was finding an apartment that would allow pets. Some people were really iffy about allowing birds. Oddly enough, no one mentioned because they make noise...they were more worried about the bird food attracting rodents. Weird. But anyway, I am living in a very pet friendly apartment now...and my two lovies are actually mentioned in my lease...so I have a legal contract allowing the birds to be in the apartment. Some people told me just to not mention the birds, but there was no way I could do that. I don't want to lie AND most of all I didn't want to be in a situation where I would have to either give the birds up or break my lease. So that was one huge problem solved. We even asked our neighbors if the noise bothered them but they didn't seem to notice.

Before we actually moved I was so anxious about how Mimi and Mango would handle it. I was expecting they would be anxious and freak out...and we would basically be back to square one. It took us two days of driving and the birds were with us in the back seat of the car (in their cage of course). They were scared at first, but I can't tell you how shocked I was to hear them eating and drinking while we were on the road. Oh, and they would also cheap to the music that they liked. :) Very cute. They didn't seem too bothered. If a human was near the cage the only time they didn't freak out was if it was me or if I carried it...if anyone else touched the cage they would let you know how much they hated it. I didn't expect that at all. I covered most of their cage with a blanket except for the front part which had a view of the back of my seat. I thought seeing the open road would be too much for them to handle, especially since their "world" is the size of a small bedroom. I would talk to them alot during the trip...I'd like to think that made a difference, but I guess I will never really know for sure.

We have been in our new apartment for over a month, and I am happy to report that the birds are really digging their new pad. They are in a much bigger room now. Actually my friends are shocked that we gave the lovies the master bedroom and chose to sleep in a smaller room. I personally like it better because like before, that larger bedroom also doubles as our office. But I feel there is more space for everyone now. I even got them a little gym to play on, and they LOVE IT. I let them out and that is the first thing they go to. Sometimes they fly off the cage and onto the floor, but they are very comfortable with the ladder now so they just hop on it and I can take them back to the safety of their area. Mimi is still very shy and avoids me (unless she needs help getting to her cage). Mango however is getting really brave. Sometimes I talk to him and gets SOO excited he just flies off the cage and onto the floor. Once I went to go get him and he hopped on the ladder I gave him but when I brought him to the his cage he didn't want to go back. He got close to my hand and was examining my fingers. When I hand him seeds he does he same thing. He will take sunflower seeds, and if I put some millet in the palm of my hand he will eat that too (sometimes he licks or nibbles my fingers). If I am at my computer he will try to get as close as he can and will demand my attention. Lately we have been playing a game where I will show him my finger and he will run to it, and I move it to another location and he will run towards it again. He really gets a kick out of it. When we play he bobs his head up and down and makes these little clicking noises. I am surprised by this because I expected to back track in my progress because of the move. I don't want to rush things with him but I am wondering what should I try next. Any suggestions? I am also worried about him bitting my fingers....now if I make a certain "shh shh shh" noise, he lets go...but I worried if he gets too comfortable he may think I am a lovely chewable toy. (He must think I am a giant pez dispenser by now :happy: )

Well sorry for writting a book :) I hope everyone (lovies included ofcourse) are doing great!!! My progess has been slow, but everytime we move foward it feels like all well worth the wait (I have had my lovies since December 2nd).

08-24-2007, 09:00 AM
Hi Natalie,

Normally I have the attention span of a gnat and can't get through a long thread but I read and ENJOYED every single word of yours! :D It sounds like things are going very well with you and you husband (congratulations on graduations) and the lovies! Mango sounds like quite a little character and I'm sure there will be more and even braver changes in him in the coming months. :) You've obviously given them time and space to settle in and I think that has paid off well for you. Even though you've had them for almost 9 months, they are making progress at their pace and it sounds like they are learning to trust you more and more each day. :)

You gave them your bedroom!!!! You are a good fidma! :clap

08-24-2007, 08:37 PM
Thanks for reading...I know it was kind of long....I normally wouldn't write anything I wouldn't read myself. I have the attention span of a gnat as well :)

It has been fun making progress with Mango....one thing I have learned is that those lovies are full of personality and they are the ones that call the shots. I am just gland things are working out really well.

08-24-2007, 08:49 PM
i can just imagine how stressful the changes have been for you, the hubby, as well as the birds. I think that from the sounds of it, you have dealt with things really admirably, and that the lovies seem to be doing great.
And yup... you gave them the bedroom...:D signs of a truly devoted fidma.