View Full Version : It was a miracle!!!

08-24-2007, 10:34 AM
I just have to share an experience yesterday that can only be described as a miracle...

I had been out all day with my kids. When we arrived home my boys quickly ran in the house while my daughters and I were getting stuff out of the car. Within a minute or so, my boys ran out of the house and were very upset - they said "Mom, your birds are gone!". We ran in the house and found that one of the doors on the cage was open (not sure how that happened, but I was in a hurry to leave so I probably didn't secure it properly). Here's the miraculous part...both birds have their wings clipped, so flying to higher ground wasn't possible. We found them walking around my living room and den floor...right in front of my two dogs!! My dogs are real hunters and have killed many a oppossum that has wandered into our yard...along with pretty much any other little creature they can get a hold of - lizards, mice, etc. Yet, these little birds were walking right in front of my dogs and they ignored them. We picked up the babies, checked them out and they are fine, not a feather ruffled. I just sat there a moment and realized how close I had come to a real tragedy and it would have been all my fault. I hugged my dogs...thanked God for protecting my babies...and vowed never to be so careless.


08-24-2007, 10:39 AM
Jayne, that is a miracle! I am so glad you found a great ending to a cage door accidently left open. :clap

Give those dogs a big steak tonight! :D

08-24-2007, 10:42 AM
Thank goodness your doggies behaved! :clap

Give them each a milkbone for me and tell them what good dogs they are.

A major tragedy averted there...

Sometimes I wonder if certain dogs are aware that these birds are also dearly loved by us and are able to somehow not act on their doggie instincts....

08-24-2007, 11:00 AM
My doggies stay clear of the birds if I'm there but I'd never expect the same if I were gone. That is truely a miracle. Good Dogs! A round of cookies on me!

08-24-2007, 11:31 AM
Those were good pups!:clap Or do you think they had hartburn from the possums?:lol

I have a german shepard who is good around the bird and I know is laughing at me because of the way I jump when the bird gets near the floor. I just dont trust my dog, I've seen what shes done to her squeeky toys growing up.

I bet it was a little funny to see those little hi-knees waddeling, playing and laughing in the face of danger. Or perhaps they have attitude and were going to win the harts of the big beasts on the floor....they really do live in their own little worlds :omg:

08-24-2007, 11:47 AM
Never in a million years would I trust my dogs around any smaller animal (and wild birds outside have been their target before)...they have proven themselves to be quite the hunters. Shelley, I also wish I could have seen what it looked like...my little guys walking up to these beasts. They are so curious, I wouldn't put it past them to investigate up close! We also have chinchillas and both dogs just start salivating whenever they are around...yep, this was a miracle!!!!

08-24-2007, 12:20 PM
Well thank heavens for that! And yes, good doggies!! They must feel that the birds are also family members, I'm thinking ... not that I would ever want to test that theory. ;) I also appreciate my cat's attitude toward the birds, but I wouldn't want to test it.

Oh, such good dogs deserve treats!

08-24-2007, 05:46 PM
I have definitely been spoiling my dogs today - they deserve it.


08-24-2007, 09:27 PM
It's indeed a miracle!! I would not trust my dogs as far as I could throw all of them combined, I've also seen my dogs kill wild birds, and it has left me fearful and paranoid.
One day i came home from school to find Evie missing from her cage. I felt like if my heart was about to explode in my chest, I'm sure that's how you felt too!!! It turned out that the smart little girl opened her own cage out of boredom, somehow walked across the yard where the dogs are, and found her way into my mom's adjoining house next door (we live on the same compound) :omg: I found her just hanging out in my mom's laundry room, chilling out on a window ledge, waiting for someone to get home. I have no idea how those little feet took her so far without even being noticed. I could only hold her to my chest and cry, and thank God, and thank my dogs for either sleeping too soundly to notice her, or somehow understanding that Evie is very precious to me. The funny thing is... i can just imagine Evie wanting to taunt and tease the dogs, and not fearing them at all.
give those doggies a big hug, and lots of treats.!!!

08-25-2007, 01:26 PM
i don't know if our pooches recognize our birds importance to us, or if they are just used to them being with the family, but i know that jackpot (my dog) doesn't chase kiwi at all. he is interested, but always keeps a safe distance. however, i babysat a tiel for 2 weeks this month, and jackpot tried to grab him whenever i was not paying attention. I don't blame him - he is only doing what his basic nature demands.

I still would not trust jackpot alone with kiwi for one minute, but I somehow believe he understands that kiwi is very important to me and my family. Thankfully all your stories had happy endings!! :) :)

Ozzie's Mom
08-26-2007, 02:58 PM
I had the same experience not two weeks ago! I had rushed out to meet a girlfriend for lunch and had forgotten to lock Ozzie's cage! :omg: I have two dogs, but only my youngest Freeway was in the house. Two hours later my son came home to find Ozzie strutting around on the floor beside Freeway, happy as a clam! Not a feather out of place and the dog was all but sound asleep beside him! Unfortunately, it didn't stay that way for long. Ozzie, being the little smarty-pants that he is was NOT having anything to do with my son! :rofl: And ended up having to be towelled to be returned to his cage. :lol A little ruffled after that :wink:
Not something I'd make a habit of, but nice to know there is at least some harmony in my little zoo! Freeway got loads of luvs for that one!

08-26-2007, 05:00 PM
Wow, I'm glad you had your miracle!

Good doggies---and safe birds. Whew!

08-27-2007, 04:56 PM
I am so happy it turned out ok, good thing about your dogs not bothering the birds, now you know who's boss.

p.s. lovebirds are fearless.