View Full Version : Does your bird do this?

08-24-2007, 06:58 PM
Mindy will fly to me and poop on me and fly away. She will fly to my laptop and poop on the screen when iam on it.She sometimes poops and stays but will normally poop and go. She does it to everybody. When my mom comes over she does it to her also. Is this a spite game and do your birds do this? Mindy is free all the time(unless sleeping at night)

08-24-2007, 07:05 PM
kiwi does the same thing, but he actually does it with his favourite person, my son. He will be sitting on me, fly to my son, poop away, and fly back to me. I really don't think there is anything maliscious about it at all. Try to think of it as love poop!! :happy: :happy:

08-24-2007, 09:29 PM
Glad that mine dosen't show her affection that way, I guess sometime's love is the sh*t's :p .

08-24-2007, 09:41 PM
Haku poops on his toys on purpose... maybe that's what he thinks of my toy selection abilities???

08-25-2007, 07:01 PM
Celestino is actually the opposite. I read some where you could potty train parrots. We have a box just for him and as soon as he gets out we ask if he needs to go and praise him if he does. Now he almost always goes right before coming out or in his box. He won't fly to the box to go but he will usually fly elsewhere to do his business. When we started this I never expected it to work but he learned and we consider ourselves very lucky. Now if only we could train the pigeons, doves and starlings:rofl:

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08-25-2007, 08:25 PM
Yes. One of mine will specifically hop off my husband, waddle across the couch over to me, poop, then waddle back across the couch and hop back on my husband.

08-26-2007, 02:47 AM
HAha..I haven't had that yet (thankfully) but everytime she is on my head I go check to see if she's left any behind and she hasn't but she does poop on her playgym and on my favourite lamp.

08-31-2007, 12:59 PM
Mine poops just about everywhere, although I've been starting to train her to Poo when told, and NOT on mommy. :D At the moment she does it just about anywhere, but for the most part she doesn't like to stay where she's done it. They are pretty clean birds, and I suppose they don't like to stick around their droppings too much. :)

08-31-2007, 02:39 PM
it sounds like your bird has alot of freedom. does it come to you when you want it to? if so, try perching it on your finger when you think it is about to poop. then, use a kleenex and place it under the poophole and tell it to poop. this is what i have been teaching my bird. when i have it perched on my finger i rotate it backwards to make the rear end lean down and tell it to poop. when it poos on the kleenex i praise it alot like it just saved the world or something. however, mine has never wanted to poop on anything. it has always pooped off of things.

09-01-2007, 07:50 PM
Just like dogs mark their territory by peeing on rocks and trees etc. your lovebird is marking you as hers by poo/peeing on you. lol,

The worst is when I have my bird on my shoulder and I am not wearing a shirt and she lets out a big poo and it rolls down my back. yuk...disgusting... she's not so cute when she does that i'll tell you, lol.

09-01-2007, 10:19 PM
Evie is potty trained :D for which I am very thankful, cuz her poop is sure bigger than Haku's little lovie poop! She starts to get fidgety when she wants to poop and she is playing on mama, and that's my signal to set her on a piece of paper or something, and she poops, and she gets lots of "good girl!!!" and "so clever!!"