View Full Version : Hello!

08-25-2007, 06:56 AM
Hi everybody! sorry for the long absence. You see, i was moved to a poor school in the mountains of the Philippines. Anyway, I still have Biscuit with me and she is doing great.

Anyway a very good friend just made an offer today I just couldn't ressist. He has a Dominant Pied Blue Personata and a SF violet Personata. He just offered them to me. Of course I accepted the offer! :clap After about 2 years of research and keeping in touch with other fanciers, I think I am just about ready for some hands on experience in Breeding! :omg:

Thank you all for the many insights you have shared in this forum! You're the best! :D

08-25-2007, 09:41 AM
Hi Mandy, nice to hear from you! :)

The Personatas sound beautiful! When will you get them? Or are they already in your home?

08-25-2007, 09:58 AM
Hi Mandy and congratulations on your Personatas (Masks)!
There are mutations in the Philippines that we, here in the US, can only dream about!

One thing I can tell you about breeding Personatas is that they build huge nests. They will gather material and fill every available inch of space with it! Open the box when they are done and all you will see is a wall of nesting material. They construct tunnels from the place where the eggs will be laid to the entrance and some pairs even have material they use to close off that entrance at night and when it gets cold! I never gave my breeding pairs very large boxes (usually 6 x 6 x 6 was good) because I had to move too much material aside in order to be able to monitor what was going on as the eggs got ready to hatch! :lol

08-26-2007, 06:05 PM
The masked lovebirds sound just lovely! I can only imagine how they must look, the colours sound unusual and stunning. If you ever get the chance to post pictures, that would be great.