08-27-2007, 11:14 AM
So, I've decided to not push Jeffrey, Rita and Baxter into being 'hand tame' (although Baxter steps up now!!) but would still like them to enjoy my company etc... I was a little discouraged that they only liked to hang out in the bird room and wouldn't come into the living room where the birdie gym/play center is. Rita and Itty-Bitty would fly out there, but without Itty, They just hung out by themselves in the bird room. Well, I was sitting at my computer desk in the living room, and all of a sudden I heard a buzzing sound. It was Rita! She flew into the living room! and then another buzzing, it was Baxter and he landed on my chair!!! I then heard a third buzzing, but, Jeffrey doesn't really fly that well, so it was a 'bzzz, thud, bzzz, thud'. The three of them hung out for a good half an hour and then one by one they all went back to the bird room. It made my day!:clap