View Full Version : Not Birdie- Related:)

08-27-2007, 10:38 PM
Have any of you ever raised any wild rodents?? I am attempting to raise 2 agouti (a rodent something like a wild guinea pig but bigger with powerful hind legs) in my house after finding them tragically orphaned. Their names are Aztec and Inca, and they are currently hanging out in a cage in my kitchen, eating warm mashed mango and making a huge mess. For those of you who've never seen agouti, I'll post a few pics when I get the chance.
I start my final year of school in a week, and i have no idea what form of frazzled wreck i will become when i have to balance studies and animals.
wish me luck...:omg:

08-28-2007, 12:31 PM
Dani, I've never raised any rodents, though I did have a field mouse cohabitating with me years back that liked hot pepper cheese. :lol

I had to look up what an agouti is. My first impression was they remind me of miniature capybaras, but obviously, not the same really. ;)

What really amazed me was that they grow to be between 2-9 pounds! :omg: That's a big rodent! It was interesting to read that they are the only animal (besides parrots) that can open the shell on Brazil nuts and they play a big part in the whole process of distributing the seeds. Hey, Ammy, Aztec and Inca can all share Brazil nuts!;)

I do wish you luck with school and with your house full of lucky birds and animals. You have a big, kind heart.

08-30-2007, 03:45 PM
They are pretty big babies! They are just about two weeks old probably, but are nearly as big as a guinea pig.
As for sharing Brazil nuts, I think Ammy will share with anything and anyone :lol He wants momma to let him share his food with the dogs... and he will bark and bark and bark until momma goes deaf.... :lol

09-03-2007, 05:13 PM
Good update.
I was getting a little depressed about the babies, as their wild instincts are coming out, and they are caught in a tough situation between being numbed against the dangers of human predators and wanting to run free. I sent out a few letters, and good news today:D a wonderful nature center has agreed to let me release them in a few weeks. They will be able to interact with people and live naturally, while being safe from predators. This is all i wanted for them; is a happy, safe life, even if it means I can't keep my sweet little ones:'(
Sometimes loving is bigger than holding on, i guess.

09-03-2007, 07:05 PM
You are doing such a good thing Dani, although I know you must be sad to let them go. The fact that you found such a wonderful place for them should ease the sadness, knowing that they will be in a safe environment for them to grow wild and free. Good on you!!!! :happy:

One short request...can you take a pic of them before they leave, so i see what the babies look like????? :)

09-04-2007, 12:13 PM
Yes, I agree, you are doing a great thing for them. I'd love to see the babies too.

Think of it this way, now you will have extra room for another animal(s) in need! :rofl: :rofl: