View Full Version : New flock member

08-28-2007, 01:10 AM
I want to introduce a new flock member iv'e been keeping undercover (lol). S/he's name is Jellybean and Iv'e had him a month.

I found Jellybean in a petstore when I went to pick up some avi cakes. Jellybean and another lovebird were in a cage with no toys and one perch. The other little lovebird would preen Jellybean all the time so therefore Jellybean had a patch on the back of his neck with no feathers,

I had seen them there both before, 2 months prior to getting him. So like I said a month ago I stopped again to get the Avi-cakes and I went back to where they keep them and there was Jellybean sitting in the cage all alone. Just sitting there with his head down.

I went to the desk and asked them what happened to the other bird that was in with him and she said " Oh we sold it last week, we wanted to sell them together but they did'nt want both of them". I figured they didn't want him cause of his bald patches and the other bird looked good when I seen it.

Well that done it for me. I asked her how much, paid, and got Jellybean out of there. The way he was sitting there with his little head hung down, it looked like he had just given up.

Two days later I had Jellybean at the vets, he done all the necessary tests, all came back fine( surprisingly), except his weight. He only weighed 38 grams. half starved.

I'm proud to say Jellybean weighs 45 grams now :clap :clap .
This bird eats everything I put before him. He acts like a different bird now. He did'nt know how to play with a toy when I got him, probably never seen one >: . And his feathers have grown back and he is beautiful (I thought he was even when he was bald)

He and Doodle shares a cage now. They are not crazy about each other but they respect each others space and both are happy to have company.
So that's Jellybean's story (sorry so long lol).

Here's Jellybean

08-28-2007, 08:24 AM
Congratulations on your new baby, Jellybean! She/he is just beautiful!!!! :D I hope that Doodle and Jellybean do become the best of buddies soon but in the meantime, watch 'em closely while they are learning to get along.

I have two (clutch mates & brothers) that don't get along all that well but they are caged together in a big cage. They don't fight but they don't snuggle anymore in the last year and sleep separately in their own cozies at night. As long as they can coexist peacefully, they'll remain caged together and fortunately neither gets picked on by the other. When Oliver (my older bird) is out of the bird room and I peek in, the brothers are together and often playing with the same toy but soon as Oliver reenters the room, they both vie for his attentions. :roll:

Good luck with your newest addition! :)

08-28-2007, 08:35 AM
ah that is just great! There is nothing better than seeing a neglected bird play with a toy for the first time. My birds aren't 'in love' but they do enjoy playing together and that saves me from walking in on them doing the dirty...
Jellybean is quite a looker too! if Jellybean is a girl, i can't imagine Doodle (he's a boy right?) wont evenutally fall for her :)

08-28-2007, 08:59 AM
What a pretty, lucky little Lovie to have you as a flockmate! I hope s/he and Doodle get along famously!

08-28-2007, 09:01 AM
Congrats on the newest member of your flock!:clap

Bless you for bringing that lonely, starving birdie into your home where we all know he/she will be loved and spoiled rotten.

That is one pretty birdie! :D

08-28-2007, 03:22 PM
Jellybean is a very pretty Lutino! Kudos to you for giving him a good home and a good start! :clap

08-28-2007, 07:28 PM
wow that just brings tears to my eyes. Bless you for rescuing that bird. Thanks to you Jellybean has a happy and healthy future....

08-30-2007, 03:42 PM
Welcome, Jellybean!
and to Jellybean's mom, you did a wonderful thing, and I hope Jellybean will have a great and happy future with you and your adorable Doodle. Too much handsomeness for one cage ;)
I love the name Jellybean... and he sure is a handsome little birdie...:D
I LOVEE yellowy birdies so much. There is a stunning creamino I think, housed with a blue masked at the store where I bought Oki, and from what I could see, they hated each other. I just about nearly came home with three birds that day :x Poor babies.

08-30-2007, 03:55 PM
What a nice story. Glad that JellyBean found a caring home.

Be careful what you wish for with JellyBean and Doodle getting along very well; if they are male/female; they might be getting along well in the near future ;) if you know what I mean. :lol

08-30-2007, 06:36 PM
Oh, I'm so glad that Jellybean found his (or her!) way to you... and is thriving! It's scary when they get so skinny :(

I had to smile reading your story. Years ago I had been given an opportunity to adopt a lovebird. A woman I vol. w/ at a wildlife refuge was going to adopt one and planned to name him/her Jellybean. I was going to name mine JuJuBee ;) Turned out "my" lovie was spoken for so I put that dream on hold for a while.

ANYHOO! I have no doubt that Jellybean is in a safe and loving home with and the flock! Keep us posted :D

Buy A Paper Doll
08-30-2007, 09:10 PM
One look at that sweet little face and I can see why you just HAD to take Jellybean home with you. :)