View Full Version : Should she stay or go?

08-29-2007, 09:11 AM
I got this new lovie the a few months ago and I've been trying my hardest to work with her. Shes hand shy and my other lovie loves to pick on her and doesn't really like her. I really want to make this work but she has huge scabs allover her back from plucking and after getting my mother to agree to take Jezzahbella to the vet I won't have the finds for alittle while, until I start working, to take the other lovie (Furby) to the vet to get something done about her plucking. I would really like to spare Furby another stressful move but I would also really love to find someone who can spend alot of time taming her and maybe get her a calm lovie friend. Furby and Jezzahbella are just not working out as I said and that was the reason I got her. Should I stick it out and keep at it and work with her? Or should I find her another, good, home?:confused:

08-29-2007, 09:15 AM
How are they being housed? Are they in the same cage?

08-29-2007, 09:36 AM
How are they being housed? Are they in the same cage?

Same questions for me, too. They definitely should not be housed together if either is getting picked on. I wouldn't even let them out together with that going on.

As far a re-homing, I used to wonder how anyone could do that for any reason but considering that my first lovie was re-homed to me, I've changed my mind about that. Sometimes circumstances lead to re-homing and when it's the very best thing for the bird, IMHO, it is the best option. As long as you can find a really good home and one that you feel sure will be a "forever" home, it really might be the best option for Furby. You aren't considering it because you've tired of her or don't like her, you are thinking of what is best for her and I appreciate that. Good luck in your decision. :)

08-29-2007, 01:29 PM
No they haven't been sharing a cage. We tried that and it worked for afew days but then Jezz began to chase her around the cage and wouldn't let Furby off the bottmo of the cage.
I would love to keep her and work with her but I am so fustrated I 've tried so much with this bird and no progress!!! She is deathly afraid of hands, I'm assuming the child she used to live with was very grabby. I can get her to sit on my shoulder for a few moments and hide under my hair.
I am thinking of keeping her and working with her more, but as I said, my #1 reason for getting her was so Jezzahbella could have another lovie to play and sing with.
And I have another question, besides playing musical chairs, whats the best way to find a match with Jezz?

08-29-2007, 01:45 PM
I think the best thing to do is never allow them into the same cage whether it's Furby in Jezz's or vice versa... you have no control over what they do in there and when they start bickering it's very hard to grab one of them in a confined space. Plus it's an invasion of either of theirs space.

Since Furby is the newest member, and Jezz is being somewhat aggresive, I would give Jezz the free reign option. Lock Furby's cage and allow the other lovie to explore the new one from outside. I did this with Kirby when I first got Skittles. I let him roam all over her cage to get aquainted.

The ONLY time my lovies are together is outside their cages (which are covered when they're out of it) and on a play gym or something else entertaining for them.
... although they do sometimes end up in Skittle's cage or in Kirby's happy hut... :x :x they get along, but for my peace of mind I keep them in separate cages

08-29-2007, 03:54 PM
Assuming you have two hens on your hands, the likelyhood they'll ever get along may be slim to nothing with the type of aggression you've indicated. And trying another lovie will really carry no guarantee's as to compatibility, even if you add a known male, which may bring a better chance of them getting along. Of course then you would have to take proper measures should you choose not to let them breed. Its a tough call and you really need to decide whats best for both of them. I think Lauren's suggestion may still give hope's of them at least getting along outside their cages, but with much caution should it reach that point. It could also be their introduction to each other started too soon without getting aquainted first, and as Lauren mentioned, letting them first explore each other without direct contact may give them time to set boundries that can't occur when both are given direct contact too soon. If they are in fact doing damage to each other like you said, that can lead to fatal injuries to one or the other. Not exactly a good way to start a relationship. I too, think Jezz should have overall reign, but I'm sure you understand they both deserve the same level of care. The option of rehoming a lovebird or any other species is a hard decision, and should only be made in their best interest. Keep in mind, sometimes what we want isn't necessarily what they want. Giving them equal time out may end up your only other option should they continue to be aggressive towards one another, and you could still provide them both with the proper care should you decide your able. Hope everything works out OK....Take care............Michael and Goofy

08-29-2007, 04:05 PM
I'd, honestly, be a bit leery of letting one bird climb all over the new birds cage. Sounds like a toe biting waiting to happen. Have you taken the birds away from both of their cages for interaction time? Something as simple as getting out of the room they are used to being in might very well stop the aggressive behaviors. Many lovebirds are, especially hens, cage aggressive, so removing that element from the picture could change things. Maybe set up an impromptu popcorn party for the two well away from their cages and see how that works.

08-29-2007, 05:37 PM
I agree with MJ. I would watch out for toe biting, which I should've mentioned before!!!

One thing with the popcorn fiesta.... make sure the popcorn is wellllllll spread. My two usually find a way to fight over that ONE piece of popcorn out of hundreds of others :x

08-29-2007, 06:33 PM
I've had them out of their cages and they didn't do much of anything. Furby is a very quiet and shy bird. Jezzahbella takes avantage of this and I don't think it will work out between them. The only reason I would give Furby to someone else is because I would like her to have a fully devoted care taker that can spend more time then her. When I got Furby I was told she tame. I was hoping for her to help me tame Jezzabella. I'm going to stick it out with her for alittle while but I'm also going to start looking for people I know take good care of their birds. I really apreciate all of your quick responses!

08-29-2007, 06:51 PM
well do keep in mind that just because a lovie is tame, doesn't mean he / she will be tame right away to you :)

Kirby was hand raised and hand tame so I was told. So I brought him home expecting him to want to be snuggled and loved, but no.... I got a couple dozen nasty bites from him.
I learned to respect his space and understand his moods, and then all of a sudden *POOF* I was snuggling my blood drawing lovie!!!

08-30-2007, 10:49 AM
Thats true. But this lovie is just so pertrafied of eveything I feel so bad.

08-30-2007, 02:39 PM
Jezzahbella. First, my apologies for not emphasizing the possibilty of foot injuries as MJ noted after my reply. The last thing we needed was a missing toe. There still is a possibilty your two may eventually get along. It may take quite some time to reach that point, even months is not unusual. Jezz, even though not quite tame, will need much more assurance/attention from you in order to feel secure. She is after all more established. As far as a tame lovebird helping to revert an untame one, I have some doubts, but then my knowledge is limited on that one. Provided their activity out together remains under supervision, and aggression doesn't arise, they may eventually get more used to each other. Of course they should not be able to enter each others cage as to cause a dispute. And neither should be allowed out to explore the other in its cage if given separate time out. Basically, if they share the same room, they should either be allowed out together, or kept confined to separate quarters. And of course, as MJ noted, should they be allowed out in the same room together, removing their cages, or removing them from that room may put a stop to, or limit any territorial disputes. I'm hoping that in the event you can't find a suitable home for Furby in the near future, by working with them you may still find a happy medium...........Good luck...........Michael and Goofy