View Full Version : Petie's new favorite person

08-30-2007, 05:12 PM
Petie has been with us a little over two weeks now. He is a very social little thing and seems to get along well with Phoebe. They cuddle in the coconut at night. The first night it was quite funny. Petie was all comfortable in the coconut and when Phoebe realised where he was, all excited, she decided to go join him. It scared the poop out of him. It took a couple of nights for Petie to understand cuddling and preening in the coconut.

Anyways. Petie comes visit with me and my husband and seems to go freely from one person to another. But as soon as my step son walks in the door, zoom! Petie is on his shoulder, talking and regurgitating for him. It doesn't seem that anyone else exist in the house, including Phoebe. He only has eyes for Jeffrey. It's quite comical to watch. Jeff likes my birds. He is very good to all of them but at 20 years old, he has other things (girls) on his mind. He says hello to them, good bye. Max copies a lot of the things he says, for example at night, it's not "good night" it's "night man!":lol

Of all the persons in the house, I think it's great that Petie chose Jeff. :)

08-30-2007, 05:23 PM
Isn't it funny how attracted they can become to one person. Still liking others but only having eyes for that one when he walks in the room! :D It is great to hear that Jeffrey (I have one of those, too) likes your birds...that helps a whole bunch and especially since Petie has romantic ideas about him! :rotfl

Buy A Paper Doll
08-30-2007, 07:03 PM
Oh now that's funny. :)

Milo doesn't have any one person that he must be with, but usually any guest who comes in the door is inherently more interesting than boring old momma. So when we have guests, I am forever having to pick a bird off someone.

Melody, on the other hand, she's a momma's girl and I wouldn't have it any other way. 8) As soon as I walk in the room she starts that head bobbing thing, trying to figure out how to fly to me.

08-30-2007, 07:52 PM
Haku likes my 11 year old brother very much, and allows him to get closer than any one else. I think it's adorable, and I am glad that Haku chose Joshua, because Josh is a very responsible future- bird person :lol
Evie is strictly a mama's girl, but I notice that Ammy has taken a shine to my boyfriend Kevin, which I also think is cute:D I think it makes me love him more when I see him sitting with that big ol' blue and gold baby and patiently getting him to step on his arm and snuggling with him.

08-31-2007, 11:13 AM
Yes, I think it's absolutely funny how they choose one person and what they will do for them. I think it's even more hilarious that Jeffrey doesn't have a clue taht Petie is doing the mating dance for him! If he only knew!:rofl:

08-31-2007, 11:25 AM
Oh now that's funny. :)

Milo doesn't have any one person that he must be with, but usually any guest who comes in the door is inherently more interesting than boring old momma. So when we have guests, I am forever having to pick a bird off someone.

Jennifer, my birds totally freak out when any stranger (that would be any non family member) enters their room. Even Oliver who used to be pretty people friendly no longer wants to come out when a stranger comes in. I'm sure he's picked up that behavior watching Big Boi and Shy go nuts over new people. :roll:

The one exception is this young man who used to be the boyfriend of Oliver's former owner and is a friend of my oldest son. Obviously Oliver still remembers him and this guy can do the best bird calls I've ever heard come out of a human......all three flock to him when he walks in the room. :D Last time I got my video camera out and taped it. They were right up in his face, trying to figure out where the other bird was, I guess. :lol It was as though he was the pied piper. Oh yeah, then there is Lori, too. :D She would not take "no" for an answer and all three were on her shoulder in a days time.