View Full Version : Feathers are in the mail...

07-05-2005, 11:07 PM
Well, I plucked chest feathers of my slate, Tony bird and my Lutino, Tiana a couple of days ago. I finally got them mailed out.
If all goes well, I should know the sex of these two lovebirds by Monday the 13th. (that being the earliest, going by the last time I sent them a sample)
I think there is a good possibility that my Lutino is a male, first off the parents of this Lutino were both Lutino's....so there is a chance right there. and second....he/she doesn't shred....(he/she is 7 months old) this Lutino takes the whole piece of paper, no matter the size and tries to fit the darn thing in the water bowl....with much success I might add! but first we pop holes in it!
Also I think this Lutino is pied....the red band on his/her head goes a bit behind the eyes,,,but there is one VERY perfect circle that is yellow....I have tried to get it on camera, but somehow it just doesn't want to show up so well....I will try again tomorrow and see if I can get it....It is only on the right side and right behind the eye.
The Slate does attemp shredding,,,,and get a small piece and I have seen him/her tuck it in the feathers, mind you it falls out every time,,,but he/she attempts it....and when it falls out he/she goes for another piece and tries again. This one also puts the paper in the water bowl...something i think that is learned from watching the Lutino....only its not the entire piece of paper, he/she cuts a small piece and takes it to the water bowl and plays with it there and drops it in.
Anyway....Im hopeing they are Both male, but I think the slate will be female...
right now I have one sex linked male and female, and 2 DNA'd females, 2 DNA'd males, and one lovebird whom I am positive is a female,,,but I havn't DNA'd this one yet, (she laid eggs ...mind you only one egg in each clutch...last egg as recently as this past march, she is one of the two that came from the lady in Conn about 1 1/2 weeks ago.) The other one from that pair in Conn, has never laid an egg, but I am almost sure that he/she is a female...as she shreds and tucks like nobody's business! she is faster and more efficient at it than the female that laid the eggs....So that is 10 lovies, with only 2 DNA'd males and 1 sex linked male.....if all of the others turn out to be female....I am going to have some SERIOUS lovebird shopping to do! (Or some serious crying!!) and my husband aint gonna be a happy camper!!!
"such is life!"
will let you all know what the results are as soon as i know.
take care,

07-06-2005, 06:57 AM
Good luck with the results! :D I hope you get the genders that you want. If not, bird shopping can be awfully fun, too. ;)