View Full Version : Just an update..

08-31-2007, 01:43 AM
I have been gone for so long from the boards that I thought I would stop by and catch up and give everyone an update on my babies.

Finny and Reilly are doing great and are very best of friends or maybe they are more than friends but either way they are happy and healthy.

I have been trying to teach them how to play basketball... with their play balls and a little feeding cup. Finny has made 3 baskets to date and Reilly is great at getting the ball out of the basket! lol

They still absolutely love their wall gym that "daddy" built them and are on it anytime they are out of their cage. The only bad thing is now that they are in their own room they have chewed up the wood blinds. I have started closing the blinds when they are out now so that they no longer do it.

Their entire room is now bird friendly so they are allowed to roam free in their space and they really love that!

Oh more good news......
Reilly no longer seems to be "in love" with his one toy anymore, so not as many embarrassing walk in's happen these days. In fact now that he no longer considers it his "love" I am thinking of taking it out of their cage since it has seen better days. I have been waiting for him to fall out of love with it before removing it.

Well that is all for now... Time to kiss the lovies goodnight and change their water.


08-31-2007, 08:34 AM

Good to hear from you! Nice update on Finny & Reilly. Sounds like everyone is bird-happy in your house :D

08-31-2007, 09:22 AM
Hi Cindy,

That IS a good update on your babies! :D I just got off the phone with Jeanette but next time I speak to her, I'll tell her things are going well and that the birdies like each other! :)

08-31-2007, 12:24 PM
Hi Cindy, glad to see you here! Good to hear the kids are getting along well and I want to come play in their room with them. :lol

09-01-2007, 10:14 PM
The birdie friendly room is giving me ideas :lol... Haku wishes he had one of those

09-02-2007, 05:50 AM
Alright! A birdy basketball training camp!. Could they be the next Arizona bird trotters? Soon you will have to let us know where to get tickets for their first game!....:) .... Finny and reilly sound like they couldn't be happier thanks to their wonderful parents.........Michael and Goofy

09-02-2007, 09:14 AM
Great update, Cindy, and thanks! :clap
It's a big time major event when a lovie gives up an object of affection because it's been replaced by something else. Sounds like Finny and Reilly are doing great! Lovie basketball team, huh? :lol

09-03-2007, 02:16 AM
Heeee heeee I like the idea of a lovie basketball team. Maybe if Finny gets famous he will actually take a bath! He is the biggest wimp when it comes to water. I guess he will never be a water polo star!

We just did the big clean on their main cage (the clean that takes over an hour becuase we scrub everything). We took Reillys "object of affection". He seems to not really notice it is gone. I guess it was just a passing fancy.....
We will see.


09-03-2007, 10:32 AM
Cindy: Thanks for the update! It sounds like Finny and Reilly are living the high lovie life. I'm a huge basketball fan and can't wait to see pics of the boys in their uniforms 8) 8) .

09-03-2007, 05:40 PM

I tried to teach Ditto to play basketball, but it always turns into a gane of fetch. He throwse the ball across the room and yells at me to go get it. :rotfl

09-03-2007, 08:39 PM
Dave, that's Haku's favourite game. For little birds, they sure can throw far:lol