View Full Version : Introducing new bird and hand tame????

09-01-2007, 06:42 PM
Hi everyone! I'm back!! I've just been SO preoccupied with other things and never had a chance to come back to this forum until now!

Well, Louie, my peach faced, is a very tame bird, lets you hold him upside down, steps up, doesn't like to land on me so much as being handled, but he never bites or anything like that. I recently adopted another Lovie who is something like Lou's Nephew/neice-haven't named it yet, though it was previously called "Sumo". S/he is VERY skittish, bites, doesn't like people even approaching the cage, etc, etc. Anywho, since I am SO out of touch with the Lovie world, I was wondering how I should introduce the two birds? Um....I haven't put him in my cage for him yet as the previous owners are staying with us and don't need/want their cage until they leave. I have "Sumo's" cage in the same room with Louie's right now so they can see and hear eachother, but I haven't really tried to introduce them. What do you guys think I should do? I want to tame him, but I don't have enough time to spend with each of the birds seperately right now; not until after school starts, anyway. Should I try to introduce them adn tame him at the same time? I dunno, I've never had to introduce two birds that tend to be agressive to new comers (only finches and doves, "community birds" as I call them).

09-02-2007, 05:54 AM
Hello, I'd suggest not letting them see each other for now. I could be wrong but when I have a tame and untamed lovie in the same room, The untamed one usually becomes an influence to the other and they both become untamed and I have to start all over again. Some of my friends also have the same experience. I'd suggest taming the untamed lovie in another room and once he/she's ready, see how it does around the other lovie while it's outside the cage in case he's hostile. Did you get the new lovie checked? This separation also gives yield to quarantine. Hope this helps.

09-02-2007, 06:55 AM
OK, I put him in one of my own cages last night so it should be easier to put them in different rooms, but which room is the question... I'm also noticing that this bird is not as interested in toys and such as Lou is-he seems to be scared of anything that moves, Suggestions? No, he hasn't been checked...