View Full Version : I have an evil one and a good one.......

09-02-2007, 02:47 AM
Apparently, I have a M and a F lovebird although I understand that they aren't easy to sex and I am wondering whether this is contributing to their behaviour. Custard (now called couscous by DH and DDs) is fairly easy to catch, rarely nips now and will stand on my hand fairly happily so I have been able to start doing the step up training.

Rhubarb (now called Boobar by DH and DDs) is the complete opposite, constantly nippy, will not settle on me etc etc etc.

Would separating them for a while help at all? I don't have 2 cages yet but I am hopefully going to be having another arrive soon (I was planning on selling the one I currently I have). They would still be in the same room together. Or should I just leave it, keep them together and expect it to take a while longer to get Boobar hand tame?

09-02-2007, 08:08 AM
While its possible you have both male and female lovebirds, plenty of time can go by before you figure it out by paper shredding, eggs appearing, or anything else that may indicate their sex. DNA is the quickest and most reliable and can be done with minimal cost. I would DNA Boobar first, being he/she is the aggressive one, and in the event you have a hen, knowing this may help in understanding her behavior and handling the aggression in a more suitable fashion. If your hoping they bond, and they may either way, separating them should only be done if there's a danger of fighting. Thats not saying that eventually there will be times, should you have a male and female, that they will need to be separated temporarily. Also, should you have two females things can change drastically. There are many variables to consider here. I'm really not sure if separating them would help facilitate the taming process, especially since they appear to get along well but just differ in disposition. Maybe with a little more attention towards Boobar, he/she will begin to have more faith in you and her surroundings. A little one on one maybe in a separate area may help too. You may also, depending on how things go, want to keep an extra cage around just in case. I understand you did have some wings clipped. Has this helped any with the taming behavioral process?..........Take care.........Michael and Goofy

09-02-2007, 10:00 AM
Clipping has certainly helped with Couscous, Boobar was doing ok but then the past couple of days has taken a few steps backwards, not sure why though.

If I am working with Couscous, Boobar also seems to get rather anxious and will keep calling for Couscous.

I think I will see how it goes, boobar obviously just needs more attention lol!

09-05-2007, 12:21 PM
Ok, so I have started using a bit of Dowel and now Boobar seems to be getting on fine. Boobar just hates hands at the mo so I am happy to accept that. Getting on and off the dowel seems to have become a bit of fun for him. The Lovies are happy (especially in their huge new cage which looks kinda empty with only 2 in (OMG, how did it happen??? How did I fall in love so fast?)) which makes me happy.

I am thoroughly chuffed. Just gotta sort out a couple more perches and ladders and then the cage will be properly furnished!!!!!!!!!!!

09-05-2007, 12:43 PM
I have 6 lovies and all are tame. I have one (Potter) out of the six who does not like hands most of the time. I use a perch about 50% with him and he stays put until I get him back into the cage. His brother (Harry) is all over me most of the time, but Potter will follow him and play on me. The "no hands" just comes and goes. Good luck on the progress - it's worth it in the end :clap

Buy A Paper Doll
09-05-2007, 07:53 PM
Yeah, I have one like that too. She's very tame in that she *must* be on my person at all times ... but she'll bite the heck out of me if I try to pick her up with a bare hand. Like you, I've found that it's easier for me to adapt to the bird's needs as opposed to the other way around. :)