View Full Version : Mirror Bird

09-03-2007, 01:58 AM
I have had kevin for a little while now, he seems really happy to come in and out of his cage when he pleases and sit on my shoulder, but he still seems a bit frightened of my hands when i put them out for him to hop up. Also he seems happier spending time with our many mirrors in the house rather than me! Should i just accept the fact that he hasn't taken to me?? Should i get him another bird friend???

09-03-2007, 02:24 AM
I have to keep Keiko out of my 'lounging' room as there is a full wall to floor mirror which she trys to fly into all the time.give him tome I had Keiko for a month and she would attack me any chance she got, now she knows i won't hurt her she doesn't care and doesnt bite me anymore.lots of interaction is the key.

09-03-2007, 06:01 AM
I don't keep any mirrors in the bird room or bird's cage. I read somewhere it's not good to give a lovebird larger morror in which the bird can see itself...

09-03-2007, 08:12 AM
Lovebirds will bond to other lovebirds, even if it's a reflection of a lovebird, so mirrors are not a good thing for this species of parrot. They perceive the reflection of the real thing and don't realize the difference. If you can keep him away from mirrors, it will be a good thing! :)

09-04-2007, 01:20 PM
i think that your bird just has to get to know you better and not the mirror. i would also establish a rule not to go on the floor where mirrors are. floors are one of the most dangerous places for a bird to go because giants walk on floors. spend more close time with your bird without mirrors.

09-04-2007, 09:59 PM
Also remember that it takes time for lovebirds to trust. Personally I think you are doing very well and think with patience your lovebird will continue to learn to trust you. It took our Celestino almost a year to really trust us but he was very hand shy. Now I can reach out and grab him as long as I don't abuse the privlidge:rotfl

09-08-2007, 03:11 AM
Thanks for all your helpful advice. I guess i will just give Kevin some time... and maybe hide away a few of the mirrors in our house!:)

09-08-2007, 08:15 PM
It's always a mystery to me what birds perceive when they look in the mirror. My bigger parrots tend to understand that this is their reflection, not themselves, but I also think my lovie, Haku, believes that the birdie in the mirror is a friend, and so i don't let him come into contact with mirrors at all. Things will take some time with your little birdie, just be patient :)