View Full Version : Bugs bugs bugs!

07-06-2005, 06:29 PM
All right. After seeing an earwig at least an inch long, I've reached the end of my rope. This house, as much as I love it, has a buggy problem. Despite the fact I vacuum everyday, and we don't leave food etc out...bugs just keep showing up! I've got the spiders pretty much knocked out, and we've figured out how to keep the flies outside (hurray for screens!), but we've still got issues with ants and :x earwigs...(which gross me out about as much as cockroaches.) Friday seems to be safe for now, I've only seen a couple ants near his cage (which were promptly squished), but I'd like to try and stop this trend before it gets out of hand.

I may be slightly overreacting, as its not like they're constantly everywhere.... Still, I'd like to stop seeing them anywhere! Any expert advice on how to safely rid ourselves of these unwanted tenants?


07-06-2005, 07:15 PM
Earwigs(are they earshaped with hair/lol) I have no idea. Not sure I ever seen one. As for ants there are safe baits you can stick out were Friday and Eden can not get. They are sticky like. Also there are some pest companies who can spray for them and it is safe for kids and pets. One thing you can try is look around outside to see were they are getting in. We have vines ants seem to love so I had to cut them back. Also sounds silly but stick dryer sheets over areas you see them if near furniture.


Buy A Paper Doll
07-06-2005, 07:34 PM
We had problems with the super tiny ants - I think they are called feral ants? The exterminator put bait in out-of-reach places, like behind the panels on the electrical outlets and behind the baseboards. No more ants.

As for the rest of the bugs, I have the house sprayed from the outside only, 4 times a year and have no bugs at all.

My sister (also in FL) puts vases of dried eucalyptus by the doors and in the kitchen and she has no bugs at all. It's worth a shot.

07-06-2005, 07:48 PM
Do you have any woodchips in the landscaping outside of your house? If so, that's where the earwhigs may be coming from. They burrow in those chips. I agree, they are disgusting. :x

Buy A Paper Doll
07-06-2005, 08:12 PM
Just did a search on the web to see what an earwig is. :x YUCK!!!

07-06-2005, 10:42 PM
Thanks for all the ideas everyone. I'm going to try everything! :lol I just really have a bug thing. Bugs are fine outside, but not in my house!


07-06-2005, 10:58 PM
I dislike bugs strongly inside and out(except dragonflies and butterflies..lol). I will say I am ok with spider inside as they seem to keep flies out..lol. Were we live spiders are so common I do not bother as long as they stay on ceiling..lol.


07-06-2005, 11:22 PM
About 3 weeks ago, I did the entire outside of the house with .5% Sevin Powder. It's supposed to ward off ants, bugs etc and gardners use it on tomatoes and other veggies to keep the bugs away. I also use it in my bird room now, as the walls are not drywalled/sealed. Its' safe for use around birds, and there's a few on this board that use it as well.
I know about earwigs, they're big pests in Ontario where we live. ACK they're ugly !!!!!!!

07-07-2005, 01:24 AM
I know it is an old wives tale but when we were kids we thought that earwigs would crawl into your ear and lay eggs there while you were sleeping :omg: ...still bothers me to no end...mind, I ahte all bugs and spiders, inside and out...