View Full Version : Guilt Trips 101

Buy A Paper Doll
09-03-2007, 08:19 PM
Melody has a new trick when she wants out of the cage. (Since screaming obnoxiously whenever anyone walked in the room didn't work.) She stands with one foot on the perch and one foot holding on to the side of the cage. She then proceeds to stare down and whistle at anyone who happens to pass by the cage.

~Don't mind me, I'm just hanging out here ... hoping ... waiting ... somebody will let me out sooner or later ... in the meantime, I'll just wait here. That's all I can do, anyway, 'cause I'm stuck in this cage.~

She's KILLING me!!!! :(

09-03-2007, 08:50 PM
That's probably harder to ignore than the screaming :lol
Miss Mellie knows how to get momma's attention.
Haku's approach is a bit more direct, he bangs on the cage door :lol

Buy A Paper Doll
09-03-2007, 10:14 PM
Yeah, I think she learned it from the dog, who has the "look at me, I'm so pitiful" look down to a science.

Milo, on the other hand, is about as subtle as Haku: He stands on the bottom perch in front of the cage door, chirps, and flaps his wings as hard as he can.

09-03-2007, 10:20 PM
Mine obnoxiously bang their food dish doors up and down when they think it is time for them to come out. Grab the bottom push it up and let it fall...ALL OF THEM, very fast for long periods of time!! Hope your Melody doesn't get any ideas from me telling you this...

You did name her Melody, maybe she is just trying to prove she deserves the name!!??

Buy A Paper Doll
09-04-2007, 06:28 AM
Mine obnoxiously bang their food dish doors up and down when they think it is time for them to come out. Grab the bottom push it up and let it fall...ALL OF THEM, very fast for long periods of time!! Hope your Melody doesn't get any ideas from me telling you this...

Oh, that's not a possibility. All of the food dish doors are locked shut, ever since she proved she can open the door and push the food dish out. Yep. How she pulls that off, I don't know, but we got rid of those dishes and went with big heavy crocks after that little incident.

09-04-2007, 08:37 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i don't know how you can resist such an obvious ploy!!!! :rofl: melody - you deserve the soap opera award of the year!!!! :) too cute!!!! :)

09-04-2007, 09:30 AM
Lovebirds are big bullies they will try anything to get out, lol :)

09-04-2007, 10:55 AM
In the morning while I get ready to go to work, Fenway hangs on to the side/top of her cage and literally shadows me....if I go to the other side of the room, then she climbs around and hangs on that side of the cage. If I walk by her cage, she climbs across the front of the cage... it's really cute.:rofl:

If she is in her cage and I am sitting in the room with her and have nowhere else to be, that's another story...She stands up tall, screams and flaps her wings, stares at me, and otherwise makes it impossible to ignore her while she's in her "jail".

09-04-2007, 12:05 PM
When Kirby does his "guilt trips" I consider them to be "annoying-until-Lauren-Lets-me-out" trips.

He has a chew toy hanging from his cage, has a rawhide "bone" and rope which he can chew the heck out of. And hanging on the bottom of that is a bell, in which he dingles and dingles and dingles AND DINGLES for like 20 minutes straight just to get let out of his cage. I have tried to stuff the dingly part of the bell into the corner of the casing to have the bell still there just not dingling when he plays with the toy.

oh you thought he'd give up eh? Well now he knows how to re-dingle the un-dingling I did to the bell. (Figure that one out)
So I spend a couple minutes hammering the dangly part in only to have Kirby remove that and have it dingle again.

Skittles on the other hand, plucks her cage bars up and down to make a "caged tune" then looks at you and does the dog whistle telling me to come over there.

ahhhhh gotta love the lovies ^_^

09-04-2007, 07:35 PM
Jack will first try a contact call. If that doesn't work, he'll give a little pitiful whiny cry, almost like a kitten mewling. If THAT doesn't work, he'll hang from a toy, screaming bloody murder like he's caught or in some kind of trouble. That always gets us running :omg: . When we get there, he just hops down and looks up shyly, like, "What? Oh, hi there :wink: "
Silly little con artist.

09-04-2007, 07:52 PM
SOmetimes Ditto just does a little side to side dance, other times he'll jump on his boing so the bell rings. Then theres the beak across the bars clanging followed by the full on tantrum and beating up everything in the cage while screaming bloody murder. :whistle:

If I'm lying on the couch though he'll often go down to the bottom of the cage, peek up over the seed guard until he see's that I'm looking, then duck down and sneak to another part of the cage and do it again. He'll keep doing that until I let him out. :rofl: