View Full Version : Very upset

09-04-2007, 07:43 PM
So I know someone had already posted a thread a little while ago with the same problem but honestly I'm too upset right now to really look for it.

As I have said before Daisy is a VERY vocal birdy and LOVES to scream and scream. Of course after Daisy starts Marley wants in on the fun too. I have tried everything I can to try to keep them more calm and quiet. The real problem with all this is its not just in the morning or a hour or so during the day its ALL day. Even when I cover them they keep going. The only time she is quiet is when she is on me. Even if she is out of her cage if I leave her sight she starts screaming.

Well the people living above us I guess finally had enough and complained to the office about this and if I can't get them to tone it down I will have to get rid of them :cry:

I don't understand her and why she feels she needs to be SOO loud. I'm desperate to find a way to quiet them so I can keep them.

09-04-2007, 08:02 PM
Hi Amanda,
Boy, I hope you can find a solution soon. I live in a house, so no one can complain, but I couldn't imagine anyone telling me I had to give up one of my babies.
Are the birds in a bedroom, or living room? I mentioned to someone else about these cork tiles I saw at Home Depot or somewhere. They're not all that attractive, but would really deaden the sound. You could put them up with that tacky, rubbery stuff, so you wouldn't have to make any holes.
Good luck with whatever you do!

09-04-2007, 08:23 PM
They are in the living room which is huge so would those tiles have to be just around their cage or around the whole room?

09-04-2007, 08:31 PM
I would think that if the people are that picky, you may want to do the whole thing. They are the light brown, corky look, but you could always paint them the same color as your ceiling.

09-04-2007, 08:59 PM
Right now, the best suggestion I have is to join the following parrot behavior group and see if they have some ideas: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ParrotBAS They work with each individual to come up with a solution that works.

09-04-2007, 09:09 PM
Amanda. I believe it was Mariusz621 that had issues with noisey neighbors (like how I switched that around?) and finally switched rooms and added furniture. Please don't count on my memory, but that is one method I've heard of. I'm kind of at a loss right now, and you have to admit these are situations that should have been considered before hand. Even if we know why she's screaming, stopping it is a whole different story. There is information about screaming in the resource library must read section. Maybe go into it from there. Knowing what you've tried so far may help other members give you more idea's. I really hope you find a remedy soon. Losing them can be devastating for you, and those lovies.................Michael and Goofy

09-04-2007, 10:48 PM
Right now, the best suggestion I have is to join the following parrot behavior group and see if they have some ideas: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ParrotBAS They work with each individual to come up with a solution that works.

Thanks Linda I just signed up! I have had Daisy and Marley in another apartment where people were living below and beside me and never had this problem. Her screaming seemed to have gotten worse since we have moved.

09-05-2007, 02:47 PM
Everyone had good suggestions.....but I wanted to add, I know it may not be possible tho, and it is a hassle, but what about moving to another place? I rent and live in an apartment, and I know if anything ever happened, I would do my best to keep my pets and if I had to move, I would. Altho I realize that moving isn't always an option, and it can get so expensive.

09-05-2007, 04:55 PM
I know I would rather move from a place I'm renting than lose my beloved pets. Even if theyre "just birds" as many people say to me about mine.

What about putting them near a window that you know doesn't get a lot of sunlight?

Have you heard how they actually sound during the day?
I know that short fused neighbours can blow things out of proportion and your lovies might just be making noise here and there.

Why would your neighbours care? Do they work nights and sleep during the day? (then I'd understand their concern)
Have you tried leaving some soft music going? I know when my dog is left home alone in his crate we usually leave some music going which keeps him quiet.

Other than that, I think that your neighbours are jerks. You're BELOW THEM... you have to put up with any noise that comes from them too whether its them having a party and people everywhere, to them dropping stuff on the ground....

Having birds chirping is normal... Neighbours like yours are jerks and should be kept in a cage haha

09-05-2007, 07:54 PM
I'm so sorry about this Amanda! I wish that I had the perfect advice for you... All I can say is that I hope you come a solution to help everyone involved.

Can you relocate the lovebirds cage(s) to another part of your apartment? Maybe a new cage placement will muffle the sound somehow...

Best wishes,


09-05-2007, 09:15 PM
Amanda. Have you had any success yet or tried anything? I know generally they may not give you a lot of time............Maybe a room divider or curtain of some type? The large room may be amplifying the noise making it carry out father yet. Hope everything works out somehow...........Michael and Goofy

09-05-2007, 09:25 PM
Good Luck, I hope things work out:)

09-05-2007, 09:33 PM
I signed up to work with someone who can help me with her problem. Until then today I kept her on me all day so she would keep quiet. Trust me I would love to move out and we are looking for a house to move into for next year.

We just moved into our new place 2 months ago and I can not afford to move out with all the fees they would charge me.

I will not get rid of them no matter what. I'm not giving up

09-06-2007, 11:44 AM
Something has made your bird insecure enough to need to be with you all the time.
Do your birds scream when you are away from home? You might tape record when you leave. If the birds don't scream when you are gone, then the screaming is for attention rather than being insecure.
Besides something that is intimidating or frightening to her, have you noticed the room color? It is different from your previous homes where your bird was fine?
Is the room arrangement different where she can't see or hear you? (Did you go from an open floor-plan to one with walls?)

With one of my birds, I tape recorded my voice talking to the birds, reading a story, and making my return call sounds. I could play this whenever I needed to work at home and it was very helpful with her. Mollie has since outgrown the need, but I keep that tape anyway just incase I'm out of town. It helps the bird-sitter to have it once in a while.