View Full Version : Small update on new baby.

09-06-2007, 12:02 PM
For those who did not see/hear we adopted a new lovebird recently from a neighbor. This poor bird lived in a horrible cage that was so bad it went into trash. With me not taking anything more then one toy and the bird from it.He is in a new cage and is slowly looking around it. The first day he would crawl around the cage by the bars and not did even step on the bowls to eat or drink. His old cage was tall and not wide and new one is both. But he is adjusting well and fast though. I can stand right next to cage and all he does is look at me. Starting to think of calling him Drac though. Last night he was sleeping hanging upside down sleeping. If I cover him he freaks so at the moment he is in living room at night and i turn lights off.He is talking alot and making contact calls to everyone even my sons. This weekend I will wheel him into smaller room and work on getting him to come out and visit.


09-06-2007, 12:19 PM
Thanks for the update.
Sounds like your little guy is settling in nicely
Love the name!
Pictues Please!!!

09-06-2007, 06:38 PM
Steph - "Drac" sounds absolutely adorable! I love when lovebirds adopt the "bat bird" pose :lol

Bless your heart for taking the little guy in. He's in a great home, that's for sure :D

09-06-2007, 08:01 PM
Sounds like your little lovie is lucky to have you! He sounds like a sweetie....good luck with him....please keep us updated on his progress!!

09-06-2007, 08:24 PM
Poor little Drac. :( . So nice that he's got a secure place now. Best wishes he will soon feel right at home.............Michael N' Goofy

09-06-2007, 09:47 PM
They are so funny when they sleep upside down :rofl: it cracks me up. They are just so funny to watch,
"I can stand right next to cage and all he does is look at me " when they do that I think they are trying mental telepathy :wink:

09-07-2007, 08:04 PM
Steph...I'm almost afraid to ask what they were feeding him. Surely by now he's had to eat something. Has he touched his bowls yet?..........Michael and Goofy

09-07-2007, 10:21 PM
I am sorry I did not word my post right.He is/was eating a mix meant for parakeets,finches,and canaries. He is still on that mix and I have tried him on some veggies today. I am getting him a seed mix better for him tomorrow and getting him use to it.. he has ate and drank fine from time i got him. but he would hang off the cage bars and eat that way. Today he was standing on the bowls and eating and drinking. Tomorrow I am going to try letting him out and see how he does. His old owner said he use to eat popcorn from her hand til they got more cats.


09-07-2007, 10:50 PM
When I got my little guy Baxter he did the same thing- would only hang on the side of the cage. It sounds like he and 'Drac' came from similar situations. maybe its the cage upgrade? anyways, he's all over his perches and swings now :)