View Full Version : over protective?

09-06-2007, 05:22 PM
Hi guys,
I have been excited that Keiko will let me pat and scratch her and isn't afraid of my hands anymore butnow I have a real problem I think,when I let her out of her cage she won't leave my side,I put her on her playgym and she will play there till I move to the computer across the room then flys over and won't leave my side.then if I go to the kitchen she flys onto my shoulder and stays there.I think she is now too attached if that is possible.I shouldn't complain but unless i am running around she isn't getting much exercise outside her cage.

09-06-2007, 06:23 PM
I am glad she is not afraid of your hands anymore. :)

09-06-2007, 07:02 PM
In my experience with three, they much prefer to be on their human than a play gym. My guys like their play gym just fine.....till I walk in the room and then *I* am their play gym! :lol

Sounds like you are making really good bonding progress! :)

09-06-2007, 07:38 PM
Sounds like a love-birdy to me. If you are worried about the exercise issue, have your lovie fly to you from across the room for playtime. A few passes each day helps to keep in shape.

09-06-2007, 09:14 PM
I've got one of those clingons too. Any more I stand back, open cage, then run! Hide and seek is loads of fun too. Only he likes to hide from me sometimes on top one of the open doors. Thank gosh I've never closed the door on him. He's so quiet up there!.... Anymore he crawls under my shirt and stays there. Not much exercize like you say. Maybe all that running back and forth in their cages will make up for it. I know.....thats not exactly the progress we're looking for. I've since let Goof grow his flight feathers back and bird proofed the whole house just so he would get some exercize, of course any more I have to do those finger exercises now. Have you found any new idea's you think you may try? I remember she was partial to your boyfriend for a while there. Sounds like maybe she's changing her mind :) ...........Goofy and Michael

09-07-2007, 08:05 AM
I have found too that at night I cover her up with a sheet and in the morning if I haven't taken the sheet off she dings her bell until I do..So cute!
I seem to be her fav now that last week my boyfriend was sick at home all week and didn't let her out once.Payback I say!

09-07-2007, 01:24 PM
I like the ringy dingy thing they do. I've known several poeple with various species that would do that on command. I'm sure they know we can hear the bell, not only doing it because they like the sound, but because they know it gets our attention. Goofy still does this and he's over two years old. Keiko is very young yet. It sounds like she's already ringing it because she knows your nearby. Smart little birdy! Have you had any progress with returning her to her cage and the excessive chirping when she wants out? I know there's times they will return to their cage on their own, but more often than not they just have to go back against their will for other reasons. As long as Goof doesn't see me he's fairly quiet in his cage. Hearing me sometimes will set him off but only for a brief moment. I use one of those smaller cheap fold out room dividers so he can't see who's nearby sometimes. Anymore though, I just let him make all the racket he pleases :roll: . I'm not sure, but I think he's beginning to realize his constant jabbing peeps are having no effect on me letting him out when he shouldn't be. I've noticed too its become less frequent and he's starting to occupy himself in other ways. One things for sure, its good to hear those peeps, especially in the morning, and when I get home from work. That tells me he is safe and doing just fine. :) ......................Michael and Goofy

09-08-2007, 04:46 AM
No I still cant get her back into her cage although she lets me touch her now so I usually cup her in my hand and put her back in the cage.
She still squarks to be let out and seems to be very clingy and won't go far from my sight.even when I put her on the playgym she will stay for a second then fly to me for a cuddle...she is SO cute.