View Full Version : He ate an ant! YUCK!!

09-08-2007, 08:23 AM
:x So we are having a slight ant problem in my apartment, and this morning Estrella was exploring the living room as usual, and he saw an ant....then crunch, the ant was gone!
He did it before I had a chance to grab him! The ant was already dead, but I am worried about how safe it is for him!

Any advice? or comments??

09-08-2007, 09:28 AM
Won't hurt her a bit! I've had ant problems off and on and even found them in the seed dishes which grossed me out but did not hurt my birds if they happened to get one.....my guess is they probably did. Fire ants would be a HUGE problem but they don't come inside, thank heavens. Your ants are probably the "sweet" ants that many of us have. The best product to get rid of them (and completely lovie safe) is Camicide . You should be able to find it at the bird fair if you go and if not, you can order it on-line. I originally heard about if from Linda and several people on the forum have safely used it. I spray it in the bird room with them right there. It does kill the ants on contact but when you have a major problem, you might have to spray every or every other day.

09-08-2007, 09:54 AM

Well that's good...it was just so gross! I heard a big crunch and the ant was gone! :rofl:

They are the larger black ants...don't know what type that is??
My fiance works at CVS and bought those little plastic traps, where the ant goes inside and brings the poison back to its family....

I hope those are safe! I looked at it and it has no way for Estrella to get into it! It looks kinda like this but its CVS brand....

Also, I read the box and it says child resistant...and he ate the ant before we set the traps...
but I will def look for the camicide tomorrow, when I go to the bird fair!

09-08-2007, 12:16 PM
You can repel ants with cinnamon (powder or essential oil), pennyroyal (herb or oil), and or lemon juice or pure lemon oil (UNSWEETENED) sprayed directly on the ants. I had a few scout ants in the house once several months ago, and I immediately got out my "potions" and haven't seen another ant (in the house) since. (Likewise, lavender can repel spiders and scorpions--plant lots of it around the foundations of your house.)

I would be very leery of the poisons the insects eat and/or carry back if your bird is loose and shows a penchant for eating ants. If the ant had this stuff on it anywhere, it can get into the bird.

09-08-2007, 01:59 PM
I need to plant lander all over outside and inside my house.lol. You need to bait outside your house around whole foundation. Be sure to get it behind every bush and plant.Personally those ant traps never work here and they would just go around it.Also if you can find a trail in house you can find out were they are getting in. WE had ants and turned out they were in our ducts. I ended up getting my trusty vacuum out and vacuuming vents for a week. But happy to say (knock on wood) no Ant in over 2 weeks.


09-08-2007, 05:53 PM
Christian, I do use those bates but I do not use them anywhere that my birds can get to them. Some lovies are very curious and would bite into that plastic and I feel sure that what they'd bite into would not be safe for them. I use those in my kitchen but in the bird room, only Camicide. Here is a link that will give you more info. on that:


09-08-2007, 07:19 PM

Yes we have them in the very corner of the living room...but I am ALWAYS in the living room with Estella, and I think one in the bathroom (He is NEVER in there, and one in the spare bedroom, but again the only place he goes is the computer desk with me when I am online...

I went to the bird fair today, but they did not have any!

09-09-2007, 08:36 AM

I went to the bird fair today, but they did not have any!

That is a shame. I'll bet 10 vendors sell it at the Atlanta bird fairs. One retail bird specialty store (they sell only fish and birds) also sells it. I think it's well worth ordering.....I have a gallon and expect it will last for several years.

09-09-2007, 09:17 AM
I would be very leery of the poisons the insects eat and/or carry back if your bird is loose and shows a penchant for eating ants. If the ant had this stuff on it anywhere, it can get into the bird.

I think this is an excellent point. Never really cared for ant traps anyways. The camicide is probably the best bet as they simply can't avoid it. I've heard of using cinnamon too and was told it works. Now I wonder if the smell of cinnamon would have a calming affect on lovebirds? Hmmmm. :) ............Michael N' Goofy

09-14-2007, 07:31 PM
We have an issue with those here ... they are the Verrryy large black carpenter ants.

I've woken up many a time to having one crawl up my leg.

They are only in the house for about a month and usually hang out where the food is. During this I keep all the seed in rubbermaid containers out of the room and I vacuum around the cages constantly.

And Michael.. the cinnamon might add extra flavour to the ants when they're eaten (if the ants get it on them :D)