View Full Version : No nest box? Use the food dish....

07-07-2005, 01:44 AM
I have removed nestboxes from my hens and they have lost no time resuming the swishy-swishy...

and there is food all over the darn place....they are kicking it out of the dish and getting all nest and cozy in there!!! Good grief, is it possible that they will lay in there?

I put water in the big round food dishes and put food in awkwardly shaped dishes on the floor...hoping this discourages them...or at least keeps the food in one place...


07-07-2005, 06:14 AM
I have several hens that have taken over food dishes and I had to add an extra dish just so the male could eat!! :lol :lol

07-07-2005, 07:46 AM

Lacey will do this also. What I do is move the dishes around. I put a water dish where the food dish used to be, and just swap them around again when she figures it out. Usually it only take a few times to discourage her. She gets a bath quiet often until she does though ;)