View Full Version : Normal emotions?

09-09-2007, 08:23 PM
Hello again. I have another few questions about my new friend. When I want to take Lee, my lovie, out of his cage I always have to use millet. Once offered it takes him a second to realize what I am offering and he comes over steps up and is quiet content. If I take him away with him on my finger and no millet he immediately hops on the top of his cage and will have nothing to do with me or millet. If i still have millet in my hand he will let me take him away from his cage and sits in my hand and starts to kind of vibrate as I pet him. I have read this is a good thing. But when I go to put him in his cage he jumps on the top of it and kind of ruffles his feathers with his beak and runs his beak up and down the bars of the cage as if it itches, and this brings me back to the problem of getting him off his cage.

Andrew Barnes

09-09-2007, 08:31 PM
Lovebirds, especially hens, are very protective of their cages so what you are saying does not surprise me. In order to get the attention away from the cage, you've been offering something he/she likes more! Bribery???? Well, kind of... :whistle:

Vibrating is the ultimate thing when they are with you. Some will, others won't. This is a very, very good thing!

Sounds like you are doing just fine to me!

09-10-2007, 08:28 AM
But when I go to put him in his cage he jumps on the top of it and kind of ruffles his feathers with his beak and runs his beak up and down the bars of the cage as if it itches, and this brings me back to the problem of getting him off his cage.

Andrew, very, very normal behavior! :) I'm not sure if they are cleaning their beak, scratching their beak or grooming their beak when they do that but all three of mine do it often and especially after they've eaten.

09-10-2007, 06:29 PM
Both my brats do that... Kirby will go up and down inbetween bars or he will go rub his face on a perch. Skittles will go in a circular motion around her cage haha.

I find they do this when: A) They just ate something and are wiping their face
B) Are going through their usual beak molt and are filing down the sharp edges
C) Or are extremely bored so they make music with their cage to annoy mommy.

09-10-2007, 07:58 PM
Sorry to be so bothersome, but I am starting to take my lovie with me. I was wondering about him getting cold on my shoulder. Also he is very social and will step up onto other peoples shoulders but he will not step up off my shoulder and if I am near Lee will try to jump on my shoulder. Is there anything I should be aware of when I take my lovie around town with me. I like to do my hw and there are a lot of thing I was not expecting.

Andrew Barnes

09-10-2007, 09:04 PM
Whenever you take Lee outside of your home to go anywhere with you, you need to make sure he is safe in a carrier of some kind. On your shoulder is not safe and it's just an accident waiting to happen. He can jump off your shoulder unexpectedly and a quick dog or cat could do a lot of damage before you have a chance to react to what's happening.

Additionally, predator birds are always on the lookout for an easy meal. Traveling at speeds of up to 100 mph, the attack is over before you even realized that something is happening and there's nothing you can do about it! Will predator birds get that close? You bet they will! They have families to feed and the easier the catch, the quicker their families have a meal.

09-10-2007, 09:22 PM
I used to take Yellow Bird out with me to the bank or video store, even outside on a short walk, until something scared him and he flew off my shoulder, across the street with a car coming down, and crashed into a stone wall. His wings are clipped but he is so small and light he can travel far-- especially taking off into the wind! (you should see how he can gain altitude that way!) He and I were very lucky that day. He got away with his life and a bruised beak, and I learned a good lesson. I still take him out for rides and things, but he's in a carrier. They make some cool chest-pack or backpack like carriers for the birds that have a perch in them and are softsided with screening all around. Maybe you can find one of those--both you are your birdie can go on outings together and have some peace of mind!
Here's a link to one as an example:

09-11-2007, 12:09 PM

Terry, that carrier is just hilarious.

I actually bought a small carrier that was designed (I think) for small rodents, like a hampster or mouse. It has little teddy bears all over, two zip up doors on either end as well as a carrying handle and little "vent windows" on either side. Very very handy for when I took Kirby to get his wings clipped. Was easy to bring him in and out of the car (he is a car ninja and loves to hang from the ceiling and look up at the sunroof). I had to pick up some bird seed from PetSmart and he just came with me in the carrier... everyone thought I had a chihuahua.. I just said nope.. It's mah birdy...

Skittles, when I had JUST clipped her wings, came for a car ride with me unexpectedly hahaha... I was in a rush to go pick up a movie from future shop and threw on my sweater. I got to the store, put my keys in my pocket and got a "HI HI" chirp from her. She decided she would sleep in my pocket... go figure...

So I had to bring her in with me. Of course I got stopped and asked why she was there. I asked the manager if she had every owned birds, thankfully she said yes, and all I had to say was "Pocket Birdy" and she just laughed.

09-11-2007, 03:52 PM
most birds belong in the air. i'd imagine lovebirds have a natural instinct to try and fly to places. even when they are in their flocks they still fly or get startled and fly away. fact is, the world is so much bigger than your home. imagine the things that scare your bird inside your house. times that by a million other things outside. bad news to bring house birdie outside without a carrier. but it would be sooo nice if you could have them with your everywhere!!!