View Full Version : questions about getting a new bird

09-14-2007, 10:13 AM
Hello, I have a peachface lovebird who is about 2 yo I am not sure what sex (s)he is but I'm thinking a boy just by how he acts. anyway I contacted a breader and she said you cannot introduce a new bird to an older bird as they are to territorial and will fight with the new bird. If I got a new bird I would have to have them in seperate cages at all times and that they would just be able to talk to one another. I am sad :cry: because I really wanted to get him a friend :happy: to hang out with while we are all at work. But she said they would never get along. She is the first person to tell me anything like this. My bird is very bonded to me. he does the love dance every time he sees me or when I hold him. What do you guys think is she correct? If you could please give me some advice.

09-14-2007, 03:16 PM
She is not correct fully. A older hen will most times not accept a younger male. Some birds will accept a friend others will not . But if you do plan on getting another bird be sure your ready. Your new bird will need a 30-90 day quarantine in another room and a vet check. You can place their cages side by side then. You can slowly get them use to each other and see how it goes. The only issue would be that if one bird is a hen she might not like sharing her home with another bird. Hens are very Territorial about their cages at times.


09-14-2007, 04:07 PM
The breeder is incorrect. Some lovebirds will get along, age not being an issue, and some won't. I introduced two 9 week old babies (males, they were DNA'd before I bought them) to my home where I already had a 9 year old male lovebird. I did quarantine them for 30 days, had them thoroughly vet checked the day after I got them, and introduced them slowly to my older lovie and never turned my back on them when they were out for the first six months but they DO get along famously. ALL THREE! The younger two are caged together at night and my older lovie, Oliver, has his own night cage but when I'm home, all three are out in their bird room together. Never a single toe bite in 2 years.

Again, some bird will get along immediately, some will take a little time and some will never get along. You do have a better chance introducing a new male if your lovie is a male. Generally, males get along better than two females. The first thing I'd do if planning to add another bird is to have your bird DNA'd to be sure what sex he/she is. Behavior can give you a clue but nothing definite.