View Full Version : my lovie's new game!

Pips mom
09-14-2007, 11:36 PM
My little Pip has decided that going around the outside of cages and trying to unhook and knock down things attached to the sides, is alot of fun! Especially when you hear it go "bang!" on the bottom! The tiel's cage is the most fun because it's bigger! and more fun things to knock down! Mostly he tries to get the food dishes, and the cuttlebones. The things is----the cuttlebones can break when they fall, and the holders they come with don't hold up very well. He also knocks down the millet holder I have, which is fine, that won't break! But what about the cuttlebone? I really want to find something that is "Pip proof" that I can hang the cuttlebone on the side of the cage and he can't knock it down. I am getting tired of replacing them and picking them up all the time! Anyone know of something good I can use that might survive my lovie's fun game?? :confused:

09-15-2007, 06:25 AM
Maybe try and distract him from the cuttlebone and feed trays by hanging new exciting toys on the areas that he seems to enjoy targeting. I had a cockatiel once who did the same thing to my budgies so I hung a ring with few little bells attached to it on the bar outside the food tray and he loved it. He stoped unhooking the food tray and used to sit and ring the bells. However, I had to come up with different toys for each area that I wanted to bird proof so that he did not get bored. If it is the noise that your Pip enjoys, make sure it is something he can ring or rattle, so long as it does not scare the other birds :)

09-15-2007, 03:51 PM
When my lovies chase each other playing " who can get in the most foot bites" they knock stuff off i use a piece of string to tie the cuttlebone to the bars of the cage, cheap string like kite string works well and they like to nibble on that to:)

09-15-2007, 03:58 PM
I got a metal cuttlebone rack, but the lovebirds had soon figured out how to unhook it! I clamped down the hooks so they can't get it of--no more dropped cuttlebone, and they still can try to dislodge it to their little hearts' content.

Pips mom
09-16-2007, 01:17 AM
Haha, yeah they don't give up, do they?? I think I am going to try to the idea libs made about distracting him with something-----he is easily distracted with ANY toy! so I think that might just work!