View Full Version : new tricks

09-16-2007, 12:48 PM
i have a real good relationship with my lovebird now. it lays in my hand on its back and lets me rub its tummy. i'm just wondering if anyone else has some interesting tricks i could learn to teach Oli.

09-16-2007, 06:38 PM
Celestino will hang upside down when I ask if he's going to be a mangy bat. I did this by rewarding him every time he hung upside down and asked if he was a mangy bat. Yesterday I got him to hang from a hanger and he did it perfectly. The other trick we are trying is to get him to go to the bathroom on command. We have a potty spot and the first thing we do when taking him out is to ask if he needs to go potty. I started this training when I read that if you watch closely you can see them squat before going. Move them quickly to the potty spot and ask them to go. Reward them when they do. It actually worked and more often than not Celestino goes before he comes out.

I also realize now that I always train as the first thing we do when it's out time. He's so excited to see me that he is more willing to do things to get my attention. Training is always short because so is his attention span.

I have to say you've done really well getting your baby to lay like that in your hand. I've heard that's one of the hardest tricks to teach a lovebird. I've gotten Celestino to lay back but he never seems very comfortable with it so I don't do it often.

09-17-2007, 01:26 PM
Shiney LOVES to play soccer, I'll put up a little net and when I try to put the ball in she stops it then passes it back to me, she'll also go upside down with the ball and lay on her back rolling it around and around with her feet. Also when she's on my shoulder and I throw up her little ball she'll catch it lol. Shiney also likes to play hide n seek under the blankets, she's a real winner! :rotfl

09-19-2007, 02:35 PM
I've trained Sushi to go potty on command, and not only is it an extremely useful trick (no more bird poop on my shoulders!) it's also pretty cute, believe it or not.

Every time I noticed her getting ready to go (after watching her, I could tell that roughly every 10-15 minutes she'd shake her tailfeathers and squat) I picked her up, placed her over the nearest flat surface (table or counter) and asked her "do you need to poo? go poo!" It sounds silly, I know.

But yeah, she started doing that! I'd praise her and give her kisses whenever she went on command, and now she even goes to a flat surface on her own instead of pooping on mommy. Of course she still has a few accidents now and then when she's too busy to go to a flat place, but still, it's pretty awesome.

I tried to teach her other tricks such as hanging on to things with her beak while I lift her a tiny bit, but she hasn't done it yet. I'm thinking I might try more trick training soon too, so I'm curious to see what other people have come up with!

the soccer trick sounds awesome! :D

09-19-2007, 02:48 PM
The only trick I've taught Fenway is a verbal command.

If I say the words "Flap, Flap!" she stands up really tall, flaps her wings two times and beeps twice, as though repeating my words! :rofl: :rofl:

It was just something silly I thought I'd try, and after about ten minutes dancing around her cage flapping my arms and saying "Flap, Flap!" with no results, I turned around to do something else...and of course then I heard her beeping. :omg:

My mom, who was visiting and saw Fenway do it, was amazed that she imitated me so perfectly!

09-19-2007, 05:05 PM
kiwi has a few tricks, but they were things he wanted to do anyway, and with lots of praise learnt to do them when asked...............politely! :lol

he will do my favourite specific chirp when i ask, "do my favourite kiwi"
he will drink water, and then shake it off on me when i say "get mommy wet!!"
he gives kisses when asked, politely, making the kiss kiss sound at the same time.
and the best trick of all, is when i say look adorable, he does!!!!!!!:p

09-19-2007, 05:17 PM
Boo and sunshine both dance, Do the "wolf whistle" and " over here whistle" and put coins in my piggy bank lol.
They are both real young so got plenty of stuff to teach them and mabey even boo sunshine and i will be on youtube showing off someday lol