View Full Version : update on R&J

09-16-2007, 02:39 PM
Well I have started college and now am living in a dorm. :( (dorms stink). I couldn't take R&J with me because the dorms don't allow pets except for a 10 gallon fish tank. So my mom and dad decided that they would take care of them until I can get them back. Mom never really fooled with R&J and neither did dad but I told them what R&J were used to and what foods they liked and didn't like. I knew that they would take care of them and nothing would happen because we have always had birds and mom and dad knew what to do. Well the first week away i was taking it pretty hard because i missed there little chirps and the bells ringing when they played and the little looks that they would give me.

Well mom called to give me and update on my little birds. They have quit calling them Romeo and Juliet and they are now calling them Heckle and Jeckle(that won't stick lol :whistle: ) My mom has fallen head over heels in LOVE with them. She tells me that she now understands why i would spend so much time with them. Every day they come out of the cage for 3-5 hours. Mom gives them avi-cakes and nutriberrys everyday. she has also bought them new toys. THEY ARE SPOILED ROTTEN:happy: :rofl: . i love to hear it though. She has already said that she didn't know if i was going to be allowed to take them back because she loves them too much ( and it has only been 5 weeks lol) she has lovie fever bad:clap :clap !!!

Just wanted to let you guys know what was happening in the house of R&J!

09-17-2007, 09:51 AM

That is great news! :clap Better watch your mom 8o Next thing you know, she'll have bought her a pair of her own and y'all will have lovies everywhere :lol

09-17-2007, 10:35 AM
Oh, dear! More humans have succumbed to lovebird charm!!! Lovebirds - 1 more, humans - 0!

Seriously, I'm glad that this is working out! :clap :clap :clap

09-17-2007, 01:34 PM
That's so great your mom is helping out ALLOT! :omg:

Same thing kinda happend with my mom, she did not pay any attention really to Shiney at first but now she's nuts over her lol, everytime my mom comes in the room Shiney jumps right onto my moms shoulder waiting for many kisses!

09-17-2007, 08:24 PM
It doesn't take long before our lovies wiggle their way into everyone's hearts! My husband was NOT a bird lover when we got Kiwi, and was very insistent that Kiwi not be at the kitchen table when he was eating. Fast forward a few months later, and hubby now feeds Kiwi a piece of his own breakfast every morning, making sure he has his own plate, or he feeds him directly from his hand. They absolutely looooooove each other!! :happy: :happy:

If you have to have someone take care of your fids for a while, it's great that your Mom is taking such good care of them, and has fallen under the lovie spell. You couldn't ask for a better situation! :) Thanks for the update!!!

09-17-2007, 08:37 PM
Miranda, what a wonderful update!!!! :D I know you miss them but it sure is nice for you to know they are being loved and cared for! I ended up with Oliver, my first lovie, because his former owner was going off to college and her parents did NOT want him. :( I'll never understand that because my parents always stepped in and took care of our pets when we had to be away, even for a long time.

Good luck with your studies this year.....better YOU than ME! :lol

09-18-2007, 03:12 PM
Miranda: This is great news for everyone and everybirdy involved. Thank you so much for sharing! It sounds as if your as happy for your fids as your mom is to have them:D .

:rofl: :rofl:

09-18-2007, 05:11 PM
What a wonderful update :) I'm glad that Romeo & Juliet are with your family while you are away at school. I have no doubt that Mom is loving every minute spent with that beautiful duo.

Hope that you are enjoying college life!