View Full Version : He doesn't seem to like his toys!

09-16-2007, 08:00 PM
Hey guys,

So I recently bought Estrella a play pen, and one of those little balls with the bell inside..and while he played with the ball the first day, he doesn't seem to interested in any of his toys.
The only things he likes are his happy hut and swing...

Any ideas on how to get him acclimated to his new toys?


09-16-2007, 08:38 PM
All I can suggest is patience...oh...and more patience!!! LOL

09-16-2007, 09:40 PM
christian, when I first got my lovie, he was terrified of each and every one of his toys. Then, he started playing with only his swing. I think time is key, like kim said, patience! Now Haku plays with everything, even some things that are not supposed to be played with :x
One thing you could try, if he has any 'jingly' toys, you could try giving them a little shake yourself to produce a sound, and he may try to do it himself. haku still likes me to play with his toys first and then he'll give them a try. Right now my p'let won't touch a single toy for more than a second:( but i think with time he'll come around.

09-17-2007, 08:38 AM
Kiwi's favorite toy is definitely ME!!! However, if I show interest in a new toy of his, and make lots of WOOOOOW, WOO HOO sounds, his curiousity usually gets the better of him and he tries it. But..............eventually he loses interest and comes back to his human perch, human climbing toy............ :)

Like Kim said, the key is patience, then more patience, and then when you have completely run out of patience, try some more patience. :rofl: :rofl:

09-17-2007, 09:03 AM
Kiwi's favorite toy is definitely ME!!! However, if I show interest in a new toy of his, and make lots of WOOOOOW, WOO HOO sounds, his curiousity usually gets the better of him and he tries it. But..............eventually he loses interest and comes back to his human perch, human climbing toy............ :)

Same here. I can usually get two of my three interested in a toy if I play with it in front of them but they'd always rather be climbing and hanging on me. :D As far as those balls with the bells inside, all three of mine are scared to death of that toy. I think that might be a "hen" favorite. :confused:

09-17-2007, 02:48 PM
Yes well I too am definetly the toy of choice! But he seems to attack the ball with the bell...I can shake it and he will run to it and attack, that's the most play time the ball gets! Another favorite is standing on the computer keyboard and attacking my fingers as I type (this would be a prime example...:x

09-17-2007, 05:26 PM
Oh Skittles thinks it's HILARIOUS to chase my mouse as well as my fingers, watching me freak out and then go after my hands when I start to type.
She then proceeds to hide underneath my monitor which is against a wall so I can't just reach behind with both hands and scoop her out...

She knows me tooooooooo well...

09-18-2007, 10:27 PM
Haku loves the bell in the ball:( he's not a hen, he's just eccentric
It's a good thing his eyes are round!
This is the second time in the week haku's gender has come under fire!!! :lol LOL