View Full Version : Normals

07-07-2005, 12:37 PM
Does anyone still breed normals?

07-07-2005, 12:39 PM
I am going to be putting a pair to nest soon. one is a normal green and the other is a jade green....(single dark factor)

07-07-2005, 12:56 PM
I see lots around here...in petstores, etc...an I know that my three pairs will all have some normals in their clutches...but I am not breeding specifically for them. In fact, if I have two birds of various mutations I do not want to put them together if all their offspring will be normal...I feel like that would be "wasting" the mutation!!! >o I know Linda has mentioned that she always goes back to normals when breeding for color as they are genetically stronger...
But yes, it does seem kind of like they are not as in demand, doesn't it??


07-07-2005, 01:06 PM
I like the Normals, I think they are very pretty. I also have two Lutino's, and if the DNA comes back on the one and it turns out to be male, I will put him with my female Lutino. I have two Dutch blues, but they are both female. I have a seagreen with one of the Dutch blues right now (I bought them together, and never seperated them, the DNA came back male and female, so i figured they are getting along so well...my fix something that isn't broke.)
I have several other lovebirds and am now waiting for DNA results on a couple of them.
by this time next week I will hopefully be able to re-cage a few and set up a few pairs for the future. (some are too young to breed at this time, but I can put them side by side so they will bond Hopefully, by the time they are old enough to breed)
I cant wait to find out the sexes of the ones I have sent for DNA!
take care,

07-07-2005, 05:32 PM
I love the normal peachies too :D. I only have two but they are paired up and both have great personalities. The female, Basil is parent raised and from Won Ton and Babygirl's second clutch and Crusty is handraised from their last clutch. No one who has met Basil can believe she was parent raised cause she is pretty tame and loveable. She just doesn't like scritches, but I don't blame her because I chew my fingernails and have no ability to give good scritches and her daddy Won Ton is the best preener ever.

Oh, and their parent are OF and olive pied and their babies are either normal green/df or pied. So green peachies will always be around....

07-07-2005, 07:33 PM
My normal, wild-green pair:


They haven't laid eggs yet, but it's not for a lack of trying. They are just over a year old so they have plenty of time, but I sure wish they'd make some babies, allready... :roll: