View Full Version : OZZY is gone....

09-17-2007, 07:18 PM
Our Ozzy is gone..we are sad. The results from the second testing came back positive for bird and feather disease. We were very sad. Petsmart knowingly sold us a bird exposed to this illness. They addmitted it to me when I asked. They returned him.They said it was wide spread amongst all Petsmarts in the area because they were exposed at the breeder. They said they isolated them in the back for awhile and when they showed no signs of the disease put them out for sale. They gave me no problems at all and were great about it- to great. Thats how I knew there was more to the story. They returned everything! Someone came out of the back in goggles, a smock and face mask to put him in isolation. Everyone in the store was looking at us. We were so sad and then totally embarresed!:roll: Anyhow he is gone...we are sad. You guys were correct..thank you for all ur help!!

09-17-2007, 07:56 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Ozzy ((((( HUGS ))))

Was he your only bird???? If so, and if you plan on getting another one down the road, make sure you have all new toys for him/her so nothing gets contaminated.

How long did you have him for? It must've been so hard to bring him back. If i were in your situation, I probably would've been looking into some action and possibly suing the company for KNOWINGLY selling sick birds.

I am so sorry to hear this still.... Keep your chin up another Ozzy will come along before you know it!!!!


(((( Hugs from Lauren and the brats ))))

09-17-2007, 07:56 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about Ozzy!
While a few survive PBFD, most don't. Sweetpea was very lucky.

I'm very glad that you did not expand your bird ownership until you found out or the tragedy would have been worse.

09-17-2007, 08:30 PM
We had him since may 5th. He was a gift for my son from us, he is so sad. He is our only bird. We are looking into another bird soon. I returned everything I bought for him because they were contaimined. They didnt give me any problems and will pay my vet bill- MAYBE they said. Anyhow...thank you for you good wishes and thanks again for all ur wonderful help!This board is great!

09-17-2007, 11:14 PM
I am soooo sooo very sorry to hear about Ozzy!

What town did you get Ozzy in? I got mine in april in monmouth county. I had a problem with her being ill and brought her back. She was checked out by their vet and was kept for a couple of days by their vet. I am so worried now. Ill call the vet tomorrow and see what he says.

09-17-2007, 11:19 PM
They didnt give me any problems and will pay my vet bill- MAYBE they said.

Oh they better pay your bill!!! >: Whats a few hundred bucks compared to the life of your companion as well as the devastation it could've caused if you had multiple birds...

I still definitely think you should look into this more in depth... they should NOT be allowed to bring those birds into public stores.... Nor should the birds be put to sleep... But honestly... that's scamming unsuspecting families :x'

Sorry this kind of stuff makes me LIVID! It's just utterly stupid and so easy to correct

09-18-2007, 03:30 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry:
That's terrible, poor Ozzy!

The worst is that there's almost nothing you can do for him and that they continue not only to sell the birds but potentially contaminating healthy birds. >: The breeder should also be closed!!!

I feel so sad now, it's terrible to lose something that was so much part of your life and family. :cry:

:grouphug: from me and Bekkie!

09-18-2007, 06:24 AM
When I first got my bird she got deathly sick and I fought and fought with Petsmart. As soon as I asked for their HQ number I got a call back from the manager. I got all of my money back. I would KEEP ON THEM about the Vet bill of the sick pet that they knowingly sold you. The company has WAY more money then any of us.

09-18-2007, 10:06 AM
I am going to persue this further with PetSmart. They knowingly did it, thats what ticks me off. It was a wait a see what happens attitutde. What if I had other birds? Really what can I do?

09-18-2007, 10:39 AM
You have a confirmed positive test for PBFD and you also had no other birds so the blame cannot be placed back on you. Ozzy was sick when you got him and they knew it. This is a case worth fighting if for no other reason than principle!

I'm not quite sure which agency you would need to contact to pursue this but I will do some research on it. Other members may have some input, as well.

What makes me so angry is what Petsmart did in the name of the almight dollar! >: >: >: >: >:

09-18-2007, 11:07 AM
Oh my. So very sorry to hear about Ozzy. What a terrible thing to happen :cry: . Birds of any species should never reach the point of sale regardless of any disease that is contagious. I will personally comment these matters with the Petsmart in my area as well as other shops too in order to give the heads up. To think that we purchase from these poeple birds that we not only fall in love with, but commit ourselves physically and financially to for the rest of their lives only to have to relinquish them in any way is incomprehensible. This type of human error goes way too far and lacks any real conscience. My prayers for Ozzy and you, and I hope you pursue this to the fullest extent.........................Michael and Goofy

09-18-2007, 11:15 AM
of course petsmart did- thats what they are all about- corporate life ya kno. but i waould like some suggestions on who exactly to contact about this. My son is soo sad. He is taking it hard.

Sasha M
09-18-2007, 12:09 PM
I would contact the pet store that sold him to you and if they do not do anything I would ask for the number for their corporate head office. Usually this is enough that they give you what you want. They should definatly be paying for all of the expenses you had to incur as well as apologizing for the emotional trauma of losing a loved family member.:( If they do not do anything you could always contact your local newspaper and see if they want to do a story on it! Big companies hate bad press :evil:

09-18-2007, 12:18 PM
i got all my money back but i cant make my sons upsetment go away...that stinks.

Sasha M
09-18-2007, 12:22 PM
I hope you and he both feel better :( It will take time to feel better, but in the future he may be ready for another lovie. There are lots out there that I am sure need a great loving home and a loving owner, which you can provide :)

09-18-2007, 03:04 PM
I am so sorry for your family and even more so for poor little Ozzy. He's been thrust into a nasty situation that's not going to be good for him and his likely short life.

If you do, at some point, decide to get another bird please make sure your house is totally disenfected as stuff lingers.

Let's all pray Ozzy doesn't suffer too much. Am I wrong thinking he's still alive and just at the petstore, alive, sick and just lost his loving family? Since you have no other birds was there no way to work out a deal with Petsmart so you could have kept Ozzy at home and he could have lived out his life with a loving family? While it would be difficult to have a sick bird, it would be a great bonding and learning experience for the whole family.

09-18-2007, 03:16 PM
E-Mail: AskConsumerAffairs@lps.state.nj.us

I would suggest contacting the above e-mail address for the New Jersey Attorney General's Office, Division of Consumer Affairs, Office of Consumer Protection. Explain the situation, alert them that PetSmart is knowingly and willfully selling lovebirds that are KNOWN by PetSmart to be carrying PBFD, explain that it is a deadly and extremely contagious avian disease, and ask them what can be done. Let them know that Ozzy tested positive for the disease and that he was the ONLY bird in your home and was never exposed to other birds after he came home to live with you.

- Eric

09-18-2007, 04:41 PM
Ozzy was not taken back to the store for the money. It was a hard decision to make. Ozzy was a present for my son (he did love him) but I didnt buy this bird for him to watch it die . The vet said it wont be long for him becuase he is going crazy. Besides being almost bald (and sick) he was a very mean bird (vet thinks it was going nuts). I dunno if it was fair to the bird- I feel horrible, but it is fair to my son? Ozzy is in isolation at PetSmart now and they said he will be looked after and kept there. I hope they dont sell him again. I gave them everything back- cage and all toys. We are looking into adopting a bird now- I dont know what kind. But the new bird will have a new cage and be tested asap. We want a bird in our life.

09-18-2007, 05:02 PM
Ozzy was not taken back to the store for the money. It was a hard decision to make. Ozzy was a present for my son (he did love him) but I didnt buy this bird for him to watch it die . The vet said it wont be long for him becuase he is going crazy. Besides being almost bald (and sick) he was a very mean bird (vet thinks it was going nuts). I dunno if it was fair to the bird- I feel horrible, but it is fair to my son? Ozzy is in isolation at PetSmart now and they said he will be looked after and kept there. I hope they dont sell him again. I gave them everything back- cage and all toys. We are looking into adopting a bird now- I dont know what kind. But the new bird will have a new cage and be tested asap. We want a bird in our life.

I'm sure this was a hard decision for your family and a no win situation at that. It just hurts to hear these stories and the suffering that goes on because of people at Petsmart and others like it. I'm glad you guys are thinking of getting another bird and are not so discouraged with this bad experience. The one advice we often give to others is to take your time and find a reputeable breeder that is healthy and well socialized. After your experiences with Ozzie, you will know when you find the right birds.

We know you loved Ozzie and I'm really sorry this happened:cry: :cry: .

09-18-2007, 05:10 PM
I am so terribly sorry to read about Ozzy. It breaks my heart to read what you and your family has gone through. It's terrible that this happened.

I have no advice for you other than to pursue this with Consumer Affairs (NJ) and with Petsmart's HQ. Nothing can replace Ozzy nor can it help your son... but at the same time, Petsmart needs to realize that they REALLY dropped the ball on this.

Kind thoughts your way,


09-18-2007, 10:15 PM
I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am that this happened this way. Let your son know that Ozzy came into your lives for a reason, and that you all gave him the best thing anyone could, you let him know love and comfort and happiness for a short time. You all will also be changed and better because of it, and you will never forget him. recently i lost an animal:(, and i've come to believe that no life is without worth, and that every little creature has its reason and its big purpose. Ozzy was with you for a reason, and you were also with him for a reason.
Dani and the flock

09-19-2007, 11:53 PM
I'm really sorry that Ozzy was sick, but I am confused as to why you didn't keep him and put him to sleep yourselves? The pet store is not going to do anything for him and it's not fair for him to be isolated and in pain and suffering.
This is a horrible time for your family but part of me can't help but wonder if Ozzy would have been better off staying in your care, and going into a peaceful sleep with his human family around him...I don't understand how returning him to the shop benefitted anyone.
Just my :2cents:


09-20-2007, 09:03 AM
I agree Kimmie, I also feel sad that he has to suffer and die all alone and unhappy. Maybe it would have helped if his human family had stayed with him all the way through. :( :( :(
This whole thing really breaks my heart, it's so terrible!
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

09-20-2007, 10:12 AM
:mad: First of all, we had Ozzy only for a short time. Is it really fair to my son watching (his present) Ozzy die? I really must admit those last comments are ridicouls. I care for my sons well being first and foremost. Do all living things die- of course! But did I buy the bird for him to watch die? He came with BFD- unknown to us and the store was aware! Y must WE suffer anymore than we already are with our loss? The vet bill was already outragous! It IS an unfair situation! Everyone was a loser in it. I was looking for some help on this site with the situation NOT to be persuced because of my decision. Thanks again.:(

09-20-2007, 10:55 AM
When I read your first post here, I assumed that Ozzy had died because of the word "gone." When I went on to read that he was still alive but sitting in the back room of a PetSmart, I could have cried....for him. I'm not sure what age is the right age for a child to see a pet die, it's never easy at any age, but at the least, I would have taken him (alone) to my avian vet and had him put to sleep while I held him. You were the only home he has known for more than 4 months.

There is no doubt that PetSmart is to blame for selling a bird with this terrible disease but it happened and after the fact, he should, IMHO, have had a peaceful death in the presence of someone he knew and loved. Kim said exactly what I've thought since I realized that "gone" did not mean that he had died. You did get help from this site, from the first photos of Ozzy, there were concerns about his health. If you're going to post that you've taken him back to PetSmart to die, you should be prepared that not everyone here would agree with what you did.

09-20-2007, 12:15 PM

09-20-2007, 12:49 PM
We do understand your situation with Ozzy... please don't take any of our comments the wrong way. And we are definitely NOT trying to accuse you of doing the wrong thing by taking him back...

I know it would've been even harder to have your son watch his pet slowly die and suffer. A lot of us have had our birds for a long time and we have grown to realise that in the situation with a disease such as PBFD, we would love to give our lovies their final days of their life with us, making them as comfortable and spoiled as possible.

It is such a hard decision to make when it's a loved pet who's suffering.

We know another Ozzy will come around! Some members might disagree with my opinion on this, but if you're going to get another lovie for your son, I would definitely look into getting one that someone has owned and interacted with before and is selling personally. I found Kirby on a site called www.usedvictoria.com which is a classified site for private sales. It gives you the chance to interact with an already tame bird, also giving you that advantage to see exactly what you can work up to if you bring the bird home.
Also with talking to the owner, you can possibly agree on an arrangement to have the owner vet the bird first before the sale goes through, which will also prove beneficial with the owner and buyers down the road if you don't take the sale, as the owner will now know the EXACT health of their bird. :2cents:

:grouphug1 :grouphug1 :grouphug1 CHIN UP!!!

09-20-2007, 01:02 PM
I care for my sons well being first and foremost. Do all living things die- of course! But did I buy the bird for him to watch die? He came with BFD- unknown to us and the store was aware! Y must WE suffer anymore than we already are with our loss?

I cannot speak for you. If *I* was in the same situation, I would be obligated to suffer more for my loss than I would if I just took the lovebird back to the store because when I make a conscious decision to bring a pet into my home, it is with the mindset that the pet is a permanent part of our family unit. Single birds tend to bond to their human flock-members fairly quickly, and to callously send a single bird away to die alone simply because he became ill from a disease (through no fault of his own) would, for me, be nothing but a betrayal of trust.

I can understand the necessity of removing an infected bird from a home where other birds reside, for the safety of the entire flock. However, I just cannot see sending a single bird away to face his death, afraid and alone. While I understand your desire to isolate and protect your son from the pain of watching a beloved(?) pet die, I think the lesson you may be teaching your son may be more detrimental to his long-term well-being; specifically, that abandoning those whom we profess to love when they become inconvenient (due to illness or whatever) is an ok thing to do to someone. I am not saying that your consciously thought it was ok to teach this, rather than watch your son experience the pain of watching a pet die, but I really don't think you thought the whole process through.

I know that I am sounding fairly judgmental on the issue, and I am trying not to come across that way - while at the same time expressing my viewpoint on the issue. I suspect that you are a good, decent person and do not want to insinuate otherwise. It is obvious that you care deeply for your son, and you appear to have a very good, kind heart - and I don't think anyone there thinks in any way that you are a "bad" person. I do think, as I stated before, that in the shock and anger of finding out that you have been sold a sick bird, you didn't think through the ramifications of the horrible situation in which PetSmart put you. I do feel extremely bad for the emotions you and your son are feeling over this whole mess - and at the same time, I feel very badly for the small little sick bird who was sent away from his human flock-mates and who is now waiting to die alone - or who has already been put down and died alone. I am certain you will get over what you have suffered through, but I am also VERY certain that Ozzy is going to die alone and frightened.

It is all very sad all the way around. I wish PetSmart could be suitably held to account for the whole sorry, sad mess, and I feel for the horrible position in which you have been placed.

- Eric

09-20-2007, 01:03 PM
Thank u Lauren!

09-20-2007, 01:08 PM
I dunno what to say except- thank you for all ur views.

09-20-2007, 01:30 PM
Another thing *I* would do :p would be to go back into Petsmart, tell them that you want your bird back and your accessories at NO cost and that you are going to give this bird the best last days of his life. I would them that I have already taken action to have Petsmart cover my vet bill, but that I would rather take the lovie back at no cost in exchange of the vet bill.

who knows if that would work :)

09-20-2007, 01:42 PM
I can see BOTH sides of this dilemma. :roll: There is the concern of having a child suffer from the pain and loss of watching a pet slowly die, the pain and suffering Ozzie is going through, and the ANGER >: we all feel towards Petsmart.

Truly a hard situation to deal with. Did you sit down and talk with your son? Sometimes children are more mature and can deal with things we don't think they're ready for...I would definitely talk with him, honestly, about what's happening with Ozzy, and ask him what he feels is best to do.

One more thing...they SAY they have Ozzie out in back in isolation. How do we know they haven't already put the little baby down to ease his suffering?

09-20-2007, 02:17 PM
Being first time bird owners certainly doesn't prepare you for PBFD. And the many issues surrounding his return to Petsmart can only provoke what many experienced/loving bird owners would feel should have been the right choice, which is to keep him home and not suffer at the hands of petsmart and chance further spread of disease. These are tough words to swallow for anyone who's faced with such a horrible decision early on and doesn't know quite what to expect. It may have been a good experience for your son, who loved Ozzy so much and is still hurting, to spend that final moment with him. Really, these things can happen at any time. Your decision to return Ozzy to Petsmart is not at all what we "wouldn't" expect others to do that would be thrust into the same position as yourself and your son. Kind of hard to learn everything in four months too. Keep in mind this is not a gauge of the type of person you are, and I think everyone here appreciates the fact that your sharing this experience whether they disagree with your ultimate choice to return him or not. The comments made by poeple here which may not coincide with the actions you took in behalf of Ozzy are not at all ridiculous. Just like the tough choices you were faced with weren't ridiculous either. I'm hoping maybe you can keep track of Ozzy. I know thats very difficult and heartbreaking given your circumstances, and it is asking a bit on my part but I just couldn't help but ask. It may also help if we all knew just how Petsmart planned on handling issues such as these. :confused: .

Also, I hope you understand how important it is to sanitize everything you possibly can before introducing another bird. This can take several weeks to be sure all traces have been removed from carpet to ceiling. Not exactly something done in one or two days. :roll: ! Wish the very best for you and your son..............Please take care and keep us posted.......Michael and Goofy

09-20-2007, 03:51 PM
Wow, Eric, very well said! Janie, Michael and Lauren, too, hit the nail right on the head!

It is true, we don't judge you. I just feel a terrible, profound pain for the sake of Ozzy.

09-20-2007, 05:39 PM
Your son wouldn't have had to "watch Ozzy die".

My thoughts were more along the line of sitting down as a family to discuss Ozzy's plight. Discussing how pets sometimes are sick and that sometimes, there is no way to make them better.
Explain how a vet can give Ozzy a needle that doesn't hurt and he just goes to sleep and then to Rainbow Bridge. Explain that after Ozzy goes to sleep forever, his spirit goes to be with all the other birdies who were once sick, and are now forever pain free. Explain too, that it's not fair for Ozzy to be kept alive if he's not going to feel good anymore.
Believe me, my children have watched several of our pets pass on, and while it broke my heart to have them see it, they grasped a quality of selflessness that makes me proud.
I never meant to upset you and if I did, I am sorry. My first and foremost concern was Ozzy and his connection to you. If Ozzy could have made the decision, I'm sure he would have chosen to stay with you for however many days he had left, instead of being returned to the store.
I'm truly sorry that you've lost your beloved Ozzy and I hope that your son can move on again and own another birdie someday.

Best Wishes

09-20-2007, 10:34 PM
Hi....I'm sorry for ozzy...but I think like kirby...I put myself in the birds shoes...gosh...money comes money goes...when I got my two chihuahuas....they told me if the dogs have a disease that its genetic....give us the dogs back and we'll give ur money back.....yeah right...I won't do it...they are my babiesssss....anyway...nobody its the same and i respect ur opinion....I hope petsmart learns their lesson....before I got chichi....I was crazy to buy me a pet bird....so I read profiles of many birds...and I fell in love with the eclectus bird....but yeah right....in my tiny aparment....I don't think so...and eclectus bird cost like 2 thousand dollars...yeah maybe in the future...when I'll have my own house...than I checked at the bird profiles again and I fell inlove with the lovebird....so I called petsmart of wayne nj...I asked if they have lovebird....they said they have one but its in the back and they can't sell it...so I drove to petland discounts...and found chichi!!!!....he was all alone in this dirty cage...I just fell in love...so yeah seems like all petsmart have that disease...good luck!

09-22-2007, 04:20 PM
Thank you for all ur help. Maybe I would of done things different, I dunno. I will persue the issue w PetSmart.