View Full Version : Moving in together

09-18-2007, 01:53 PM
Daisy and Marley have been getting along great. I would have them playing outside their cages though due to Marley being very cage possesive.Now just these past few weeks Marley has been letting Daisy in his cage and playing without any problems. Now they want to be in eachothers cages ALL the time... Should I move them in together?

Just the thought of it makes me a little nervous. They spend hours together playing and being very happy but I always make sure I'm home. If I leave then they go back into eachothers cages and the screaming starts.

Maybe this is what Daisy wants? She seems happy in Marleys cage but I'm worried that even though no fight has ever broken out the one time it can I wont be home to break it up.

09-18-2007, 02:12 PM
Hi Amanda,
Sounds like you have a bonded pair in the making!

Why not try letting them be together over a week-end or period of time when you will be there? It's always possible to experience something unexpected and it can happen between birds that have been together for years!

I think it's worth a try. You may want to have 2 food dishes in their cage so that each one has one in case any possessiveness occurs with regards to food. I have to do this with all my big parrots when I have any of them together in one cage.

09-18-2007, 02:17 PM
I think Linda's advice is great. We've recently had to cage our Meyer's parrots more during the day than normal. They've only been living together in the same cage since May and we've had no problems, or so I thought. I was home sick on Friday and heard one of them bullying the other a few times, which I hadn't noticed since they are usually fine in the cage when I'm around. So we've had to keep a closer eye on them during the day so Cookie doesn't bully Koa.

09-18-2007, 02:47 PM
It is adorable how they act together... Marley lets Daisy in his happy hut and they are starting to snuggle but the second they know I'm watching or if I walk into the room she runs away and pretends they weren't just together. :lol

Its as if Daisy doesn't want me to know shes cheating on me..:rofl: :rofl: