View Full Version : My website is gone...

09-18-2007, 07:27 PM
...well, at least at the old address. ;)

I've moved my website to my own domain. The new address is http://www.jals.us (jals = Just Another Lovebird Site). I've taken the content off the old site at www.xmission.com/~zemik, but there is a link to the new domain posted prominently on the main page that I left up. Also, if you type it in longhand, make sure you type "jals.us" and not "jals.com"; the .com is not my site and you won't find my content there.

This concludes my public service announcement; Thank You for your time. :p

- Eric

09-18-2007, 07:30 PM
Cool. I looked in the what's available section but darn it, Vincent wasn't in there. :rofl:

09-18-2007, 08:34 PM
Thats technology for you! :)

09-18-2007, 09:08 PM
And I still don't get any photo's! Well, at least I'll know who they are when I finally do see em. 8o ....Thanks Eric :) .............Michael and Goofy