View Full Version : Plexi glass!!!

09-18-2007, 10:17 PM
hello, i i have a blue and gold macaw, along with my lovebirds and pigeon, well i want to get my macaws cage plexi glassed, it is a large corner cage, i believe it is the biggest corner cage they make besides the octagon, but any way, does anyone have accsess to plexi galss and if so could thae make it to fit a large corner cage, or no where i can get some, if u have some already i will buy it of you,
thanks shane

09-18-2007, 10:35 PM
You can find plexi glass at Home Depot and similar stores. Here, there will cut it to size.

09-19-2007, 06:16 PM
As janie said it is better to let the store cut it because it cracks easily when using a jigsaw and plexi glass is not cheap.

09-19-2007, 06:49 PM
As janie said it is better to let the store cut it because it cracks easily when using a jigsaw and plexi glass is not cheap.

I'll vouch for that! :omg: I had a couple of pieces cut for bedroom windows when Shy and Big Boi were in quarantine in that room (they were trying to eat the wood on the windows, :D) and I was shocked at the price. But I will say....it worked and fortunately I found other uses for those two pieces after they moved out of that room! :D

09-19-2007, 06:58 PM
I don't know if I could be wayyyy off in saying this:

But how exactly are you going to have a plexi glassed cage?
Are you thinking of putting the plexi glass around the already existant cage and drilling holes in it?

The reason I ask is that I've had a few friends who have kept small rodents as well as birds in a container similar with just holes drilled into it, and the animals passed on due to a build up of ammonia and other fecal matter. It was all because of the holes in the plexi being too high and nothing being able to breathe in the cage.

Now I could be way off with this :P just thought I'd mention it

09-19-2007, 07:36 PM
I went to Home Depot and bought large sheets for behind Jack's cage to protect the wall, and on the side to protect a chair. I velcroed them together and they sort of support eachother. Works great to shield against the occasional squirt and the flying millet cloud!

09-19-2007, 07:38 PM
Ohhh HAHAHAH I thought you were going to completely encase him in the plexi glass!

I never thought about just as a splatter guard :lol

09-19-2007, 09:43 PM
i am only going to plexi glass the front of her cage, and leave the back and top alone, that way all her food stay's in and she wont be able to climb on it to scrape her beek back and forth on the bars when she want my breakfeast, lol, she is a really fun bird, we go for bike rides, she sits on my handle bars and laughs and talks the majority of the ride, and she just sits there with no harness or anything, i am gong to video tape it soon, and take pics, well anyway thanks for the help guys!

09-20-2007, 07:50 AM
I went to Home Depot and bought large sheets for behind Jack's cage to protect the wall, and on the side to protect a chair.

That's what I use my left-over pieces for.....wall protection! :D