View Full Version : For the Women Members!

09-19-2007, 06:35 PM
Ever have one of those days at work where everything seems to **** you off?
I'll be sitting at my desk for 20 minutes without a phone call and then as soon as a customer comes up to ask me a question I get 10 calls at once.
I am a receptionist for a huge dealership on Vancouver Island, so all the calls come to me first and I direct them, so yes it gets INSANE at times. Meanwhile, the phones ringing and I have the boss/president of the company trying to get me to run outside and get vehicle information. Hmmm I kind of can't... for obvious reasons :x

Oh wait.. THE PHONES RINGING.. time to put on my "friendly: HIIII THIS IS THREE POINT MOTORS HOW CAN I HELP YOU?" voice... >:

There are the little things such as the fax machine crapping out on everyone who uses it and then I get to hear about it 10 times a day. Or how everyone is picky about what kind of tape they use on their desk "I want the MAGIC TAPE not the clear" or the new sales person complaining about their paging number being 170 and "I want a lower number".

Not to mention we have a Grande Opening / 2008 vehicle unveiling event tomorrow night, GUESS WHO DEALS WITH THE PHONE CALLS FOR THAT?!?!?!? ME

Don't even get me started on the hundreds of phone calls I get per day from people who have such a strong/thick chinese or german accent. I spend 15 minutes trying to understand their name let alone what the heck they want.

The list goes on and on and on... see like now.. I HAVE ZERO pens... I used to have 4 this morning. I don't know who takes them or how they take them as I'm always sitting at my desk.


Sasha M
09-19-2007, 07:06 PM
Ahh yes I think its a common curse that once you have a customer the phone will start ringing...it is like they all know when your doing something so they all pounce at once, like lunch for example? Thats my favourite time to be answering phones and dealing with people!:evil: And yes I agree hurray for Pms as a excuse to take days off!!:clap

09-20-2007, 08:54 AM
I feel your pain!!! I'm a part-time cashier at a pizza parlour and you cannot imagine the idiotic things the customers come up with!!! >: I also study so after a full day of academic work and 5 hours of dealing with some if the silliest people (or so it seems :evil: ) in town, I get kind of cranky and then I still have to answer 2 phones at once while there are 5 people waiting at the counter!!! :mad:
I agree with the PMS allowance - it is the 21st century after all!!! :whistle:

I hope you have a better day tomorrow! Good luck!!

09-20-2007, 05:36 PM
Since you are PMS'ing I won't ask why this messge is for Women only, actually my girlfriend says that I am great to have around when she is pms'ing because she has someone to scream and be mean to and that makes her feel better, LOL

09-20-2007, 05:41 PM
I had a doozy of a customer today too.
Three days into my brand new job and I get Mrs. DONTMESSWITHMEIKNOWEVERYTHING!!!!
In the words of Bambi's friend "Thumper",

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"

Just my :2cents:

09-21-2007, 07:46 PM
:lol :lol :lol :lol

God... IT'S THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've actually never been one to get moody with anyone I'm dating.. I restrain myself from doing that I just can't see myself yelling at anyone... Other than my brother :p

Oh I deal with the "Know-It-Alls" ALLLLLLLLLLL THE TIME...

This is the highlight of my day:

We just had our grand opening of the dealership FINALLY last night so I don't have to call any more people *WOOHOO*
You would think people would be satisfied that we A) fed them B) gave them an open bar C)Entertained them BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I had someone come in today to ask why they didn't receive an invitation. I said well we did send out a lot of them, and they did look like junk mail so it is possible that they might've turfed them. He's like NO i didnt get one, but I came anyways. I then asked him what vehicle he bought from us, and he said "Oh, I didn't, I bought mine from the states"
I just replied back with: "That's most likely why sir. You did not bring us your service. Our events are for customers of ours and by invites only"

Oh did he blow a fuse. My manager had to come over and tell him AGAIn what I just told him lol.

*le sigh*people are so ignorant when they have money at times :S

09-22-2007, 12:55 AM
:omg: On wednesday our prices got raised (the inflation on food in SA is terrible!) and boy, are the people upset!! Mostly just about 5 or 7 Rand (about half a dollar) but still... There is absolutely nothing that a lowly cashier :p can do about this. If I break the rules I get fired.
Also, even though I'm a student myself, there are no worse customers than students. They ALWAYS expect preferencial treatment (i.e. some special or a huge discount) and are very annoyed that I dare deny them this "right". :evil:

But anyhow... I'm getting ready for an 11 hour shift (worked 9 yesterday),so have a nice weekend all, I hope it helps to recharge your batteries! :)
Spare a thought for those of us who don't know what a weekend (or social life for that matter :x ) is!

09-22-2007, 09:22 AM
Wow, am I ever thankful that I don't work with customers anymore. XD I worked at a nurse line for a while, and an internet tech call center for a while, and as a receptionist for a book editor for a while... And all of them managed to have total idiots call in and make my life ****!

Now I get to sit there and not deal with clients! Huzzah for my dream job! :D (I'm an animation supervisor for TV shows.)