View Full Version : I'm finally going for it!!!

09-21-2007, 02:55 PM
Starting tonight, Kirby and Skittles will start to be housed together for the weekend!!!

They will be in Kirby's cage which is the large of my two cages (and newer) His toys and perches will be re-arranged and the cage accomodated with two food dishes and treat dishes (they only need one water dish as they drink/bath together)

I am going to try it for the weekend and note how often they squabble and if it is for any particular reason (not enough space or they both like one specific toy etc...) And hopefully I can finally cut down on BIRD space :x Both their cages are on covered over turned laundry baskets so they can be beside one another haha

We'll see how this new set up goes!!!

Wish me luck :clap 8o

Sasha M
09-21-2007, 03:20 PM
I used to have a Mexican Amazon Parrot and a cockatiel, they were beside each other for awhile and then I let one out and he snuck into my parrots cage and they lived together ever since! If these two unlikely birds can live together I am sure yours will be just great :) Good Luck!

09-21-2007, 04:08 PM
They get along great, but they do have their squabbles which usually involve Skittles biting Kirby's feet because he took her avicake... :x

But those are slim happenings... This is what I am doing this weekend... and seeing how often it happens

09-21-2007, 07:08 PM
good luck lauren - i can't wait to see how the weekend went!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

09-22-2007, 12:57 AM
Good luck Lauren, keep us posted! :clap

09-22-2007, 09:14 AM
I suspect it will take quite some time to be sure they always get along caged together. Are you going to try every weekend? Good luck with Kirby and Skittles! :) ................Michael and Goofy

09-22-2007, 07:17 PM
Good luck i am sure it will work out ok since they pretty much get along as it is. Boo lets sunshine in the same cage but not in her nesting box, oh and she will let him in her rolled up newspaper hidey space but only untill he mounts her, once sunshine finishes mounting her she chases him out of the hidey spce and wont let him in till shes ready for some more action lol.

09-24-2007, 12:13 PM
Well.... It was a no go for them sharing the same cage.

They both LOVE sharing the same food dish, and make it obvious that they want to eat together. But explain this to me, they squabble about who sits in the food dish (YES... SIT) to eat and who has to wait.

Kirby also has a designated spot where he MUST sleep, which is in the top left corner of his cage. Well at about 12am on friday, Chris and I woke up to SCREAMING coming from the cage. Turns out, Skittles woke up and decided SHE wanted the corner too and pushed Kirby onto the floor. I guess it must've startled him so he started screaming lol.

He was okay, just scared, so I picked him up and hung him on his play gym in his happy hut and he slept on top of my night stand for the night.

Saturday night was just as bad. Skittles wanted to sit beside Kirby in the corner and he wanted it to himself. So there was the toe nibbling and blah blah blah at insane hours of the morning (5:30 this time around).

Last night (sunday) they were caged separetely again and not a peep. So I think it's better this way and it allows Chris and I to get more sleep.

Good god what a weekend too haha:
Kirby also had his wings clipped last night too. As of the past month he's had a very "I OWN YOU" attitude problem being very snippy and acting like he was in charge of all of us. So off came his flights again which were already 3/4 grown back. And he actually let me snuggle him and rub his neck.
He's been getting daily spritzing with our squirt bottled dubbed "The birdy squirter" and after those he has a very smooth look which lasts a few days and then he looks ratty. But we're getting there.
Saturday, Skittles took a car ride with Chris and I to where I bought her from to show the store owner that Skittles wasn't as cage protective as everyone thought she was. There was someone there who had actually come in to look at her before I bought her and turned her down because of her "Fluffed up biting and attacking" in her cage. They were in awe as Skittles was letting EVERYONE pet her. I think she was getting a fat head with all the attention because she was doing her ring tones and whistles coming out of the yin-yang. :x pffttt show off hahaha

So in this caged together situation, I will be trying it again this weekend. I mean it's no big deal if they AREN'T together. Having their cages side by side isn't in the way or an inconvenience.

09-24-2007, 12:27 PM
I think you might want to try a neutral cage- who's corners kirby doesn't have special attatchments to

09-24-2007, 01:16 PM
Unfortunately, Kirby has done this in his old cage (which Skittles has now) and has passed it on to his new one.

It's not really wise for me to put them both in Skittles' cage (the old one) as it is fairly small for two birds and they would probably quarrel more as of lack of personal space.

I have tried putting objects in the corner to have him sleep in another spot. But nope. He'll either chew the object to pieces or jam himself in behind it.
I have tried to put his food dish in the corner at night and he has unhooked it or just sleeps in it :x

09-29-2007, 12:50 PM
Im not sure if you are able to get a new cage, but I bought this one off of ebay -I think it was listed as a 2 tier chinchilla/ flight cage for $189 (that was a while ago, I did see one for $199 recently). Im not sure of the exact height but I am 5'7" and my head comes to the top of the top door, I think it is 18"wide x 30" long


10-02-2007, 02:40 PM
I unfortunately have a lack of space in our room... we have a slanted roof on one side of the room and the birds current cages are sitting on covered overturned laundry hampers because they will hit the roof on stands.
Anything larger than Kirby's will either hit the roof or it will be so far into our room that it will interfere with our computer table..

I have no issues with two cages side by side... Kirby will usually sneak into Skittles' and I have to pull h im out with a t-shirt. But most of their time is spent outside the cage on their play gym as opposed to cages.

I tried leaving them in their cage again overnight last night (Monday) and they just pecked at each other and screamed.... God they're difficult :x

10-08-2007, 12:36 PM
You might try turning the cage around at night to see if he still prefers the same corner. Or change up all the perch spots so everything is in a new place. Just an idea. Good Luck