View Full Version : My birds personal jugle gym

09-23-2007, 09:48 AM
I have a question on some irritating behavior of my bird. Every time I let him out I feel like his personal jungl gym. He never just wants to just sit he climbs all over me and flys on my head constantly. The other day he actualy kept trying to do the swishy dance on my head:omg: ( I had my hair up in a clip ). Every time I hold him on my finger he demands to be scratched on the head. I like to do it for him, but not constantly. I love to have him out but I feel he just tries to demand our constant attention when he is. I feel he needs a friend to be with and play with. I feel like I should go get him a jungle gym type toy for downstairs but they are expensive and if he just ignores it for us it will be a total waste of money.
This will have been the first time he had ever shown any sexual behavior towards any of us except for the love dance with the clicking and turning around and scratching of his beak. He does this every time I get near him. Is he just getting older and frustrated? He is about 2yo. I think?
Please help :confused: he is becoming a pain when he is out with the family.
Thanks in advance for any advice,

09-23-2007, 10:25 AM
Stacey, this is a good post for all of those who want their bird to feel that way about them but don't have that relationship......I HEAR you, it can be annoying when your bird wants to be on you all the time! :D I love and adore Oliver but there have been times that I felt like he was a growth on my neck! He was older and had past puberty when I adopted him so other than the swishy/swishy dance, the never attempted to mate on me. Had he been younger, I'm sure he would have. A velcro birdie is a whole lot of fun sometimes but it really can be too much when it's all the time! Anyhoo, back to your problem.....

A play gym isn't the answer. I have two (one that is huge) and while my birds do land on them occasionally, they don't spend time on them. I have toys and food cups attached and yes, they will eat there and chew on something for a few minutes but they just don't perch there for more than a few minutes and I think that is something larger parrots do far more often than a lovie. If I walk into the bird room, all three swarm me! :D It's sweet and it's heart-warming but if I could not get away from them (sometimes), it would drive me crazy! Unintentionally, I solved my problem by getting two more birds! I did not expect Oliver to like them or to enjoy spending time with them but he does and that takes a whole lot of guilt off me, knowing that he's happy when he's with them and not on me all day long. Oliver still gets plenty of alone time with me but there are times that he'll fly off me to get back to the bird room and his buddies! All three get individual time from me every day, Oliver gets by far the most, but all three are very happy being in their room with each other. I have plenty of toys and boings hanging from the ceiling and I often "spy" on them (I can see them, they can't see me) they are playing and interacting with each other and with their toys. Sometimes I'll see each one on a different perch napping and occasionally all three nap together on the same perch.

Unfortunately, adding another bird doesn't always solve any problem you might be facing but in my case, it worked. Oliver is a much, much happier bird with the company of other birds but still getting plenty of momma time. The other two are in full blown puberty but have each chosen a birdie buddy as their "girlfriend" (my three are males) instead of me, thank heavens! :D All friendly, all sweet but far more independent than the relationship I had with Oliver as a single bird.

09-23-2007, 10:45 AM
I echo every single word that Janie has written! Lovebirds are very social creatures and play gyms just don't interact the way someone warm and alive does. For lack of an avian companion, you have become the mate and he wants from you what he would be getting from another lovebird.

What Janie has done for Oliver is given him 2 feathered flock mates to make up for the time that she absolutely cannot spend with him. I, too, recognize that need, which is why most of my birds have feathered companions. There are some lovebirds that don't require that up close/personal attention 24/7, but it doesn't sound like yours fits into that category. If yours is a male (I would DNA sex if you aren't sure), you might consider looking for another DNA sexed male.

Anyone else have any thoughts here?

09-24-2007, 07:56 AM
I was actually getting ready to post something similar...I love that my birdie loves me and that's what I wanted, but I cannot get ready in the mornings because of it. I always try to let him out of his cage a few minutes in the morning, about an hour at lunch and when I get home he is out for about 5-6 hours! I too, bought a play pen, doesn't help at all! I set him on it and he lets out a squeak and flies to me!

Don't get me wrong, I love my little rotten bird, but he seems like he has to be near me 24/7! When I leave the room, he has gotten where he will follow me and then fly on my head, and what's worse is he constantly tries to bite my ears and forehead when he is on my head....and heaven forbid I try to get him down! He squeaks at me in rebellion!

any advice? another lovie is out of the question right now..not enought time or money to devote to two babies!

09-24-2007, 08:37 AM
I'm sure those reading this who are trying to tame a bird wonder why anyone would complain about such a "problem".....but it really is a problem (guilt if nothing else) when they want to be on you all the time.

I'd read early on that a lovebird needs to be offered at food source at least every 15 to 30 minutes and since Oliver was already under weight, it was important that he eat as much as possible. I had to take him back to his cage and stand there so that he'd eat, otherwise he'd stay on my neck and never make a sound for more than an hour. He always wanted to be on me. Fortunately, other family members really liked him, too, which gave me a little break but still, it was too much! :roll: And, since I was/am home most of the day, it was hours every single day that he wanted to spend with/on me. The only thing that helped was the vacuum which he was afraid of so I used it when I needed a break! :D The other two are not phased by the vacuum cleaner and will ride my shoulder when I'm vacuuming the bird room! :whistle:

Christian, since a companion bird is out of the question, I have no helpful advice to offer. Your baby has really formed a bond to you (and fast) and other than being very quiet and hiding from him when you're home, I don't know how you are going to get any alone time! ;)

Buy A Paper Doll
09-24-2007, 09:01 AM
I hate to say it, but a companion bird will not necessarily fix this problem. In my case, it meant that now my bird has a playmate for his personal jungle gym - ME!

Typing this with a bird up my shirt sleeve and another perched in the crook of my elbow,

09-24-2007, 09:01 AM
I feel bad about it, but like today for example, I am home sick from my internship, and I don't need to be around him that much, but he insists!

About offering food every 15-30 minutes...he actually flies back to his cage when he is hungry, eats a snack and then comes back to me! :rofl:

I really do enjoy his company, but sometimes he is a handful! and he likes to bite (he doesn't bring blood, but it still hurts!).

I think he bonded to me so fast because I was home everyday for the first few weeks..until school started back into session for the fall semester...now I am at my internship all day, and work some nights. However, I do let him out from about 3-8 everyday, and usually he flies back to his cage after that and goes to bed!

oh well, I guess I will just try to get him to engage in something other than momma for a while...I had to go to Nashville for the weekend, and he has been more clingy than ever since I got back...maybe its separation anxiety??

09-24-2007, 09:05 AM
Unfortunately, adding another bird doesn't always solve any problem you might be facing but in my case, it worked.

Yep, I know that and never intended to get so darn lucky! Heck, if I'd have known that Oliver would like both of these birds, I would only have gotten one! But then.....I would not have the other and I could never choose between the two....love 'em both so much. :D (Although I did want to open a window and let Shy fly out yesterday but clipped his wings instead. He really needs an attitude adjustment OFTEN!)

09-24-2007, 10:44 AM
Fenway is also a velcro-birdie. I usually don't mind, except when the nibbling/preening of my body becomes excessive. I have been waiting and watching for Fenway to become armorous with me but thankfully that hasn't happened yet. It probably is only a matter of time...:roll:

I can't seem to leave that darn bird in her cage, because she looks so sad at me through the bars and guilt usually takes over. :( I am away from 8-5:30 all day Monday-Friday so when I am home I feel bad only having her out for an hour or so...so she usually is out from 5:30 until I put her to bed at 8:30 or so. I do worry, cause all she does is sit on my shoulder or perch on my finger and preen me. She now lets me give her scritches, especially loving them on her head, cheeks and under her beak. But is that enough?

I try putting her on her playtop with toys, fresh veggies and treats but she just flies back to her mom-perch. She adores me, and I love her, but I wonder if she's getting enough mental stimulation just hanging out on mom...:confused: I try playing catch with a ball with her, and she likes that, but I still think she needs to be challenged more mentally.

On the weekends she is out for at least 6 hours both days, my schedule permitting. I try to make up for the lack of one-on one time during the workweek that way. Anyhow, this is why I have been considering a buddy for Fenway, as I wonder if she might benefit and be more mentally stimulated with a playmate..

09-24-2007, 11:25 AM
Thanks for the info. I am soooo glad I'm not the only jungle gym out there. If he was out write now he would be sitting on my finger while I type. I have to go to work in few minutes so I can't have poop on my scrub top. (even though I look I always miss a hidden gift from Fweet Fweet). I bought him a swing on Friday and he just loves it. Maybe I should hang swings all over the house :) I am going to check into a new bird for him. What size cage would two birds require? I know the new bird needs to be kept in another room for at least 30 days. but after that and if they get along well enough to be put in the same cage that is. Let me know the scoop on having two birds.

09-24-2007, 12:25 PM
I have another good idea!!

I went to a bird store this weekend and they actually had a BOING!!!! I was ecstatic. I hung it from my ceiling and both Kirby and Skittles LOVED IT!

They're both not really toy oriented, so it shocked me on how they both wanted to constantly play on it. Skittles was hanging upside down off of it, and Kirby (Before I clipped his wings) would fly back and forth from his play gym continuously to build up bounce on it :lol

That might be something worth investing in (I think mine cost me $21 Canadian) especially if my toy-ignorant birds would play on it :p

09-24-2007, 02:01 PM
Count me in as a jungle gym too.

From the minute I get home from work till bedtime, (or on my days off, the minute I get up) if Baby had her way she would be my permanent "fashion accessory". Sometimes she's on my shoulder, sometimes she's an "earring" (hanging off my ear) sometimes she's a "hat" (sitting on my head) and sometimes she's a "corsage" (sitting on my b**b).

I've had to get creative when I need her to be entertained by something else. I found she LOVES to watch cartoons, especially ones with the funny sound effects and she has a special perch she likes to sit on to watch TV. I'm not sure if its the vivid colors/movement or the sound effects, but its very entertaining for her! She also loves watching birdie videos on you tube so I'm looking for some "birdie" dvd's that I can pop in the TV for her when I need her to be otherwise occupied. I have a cage top jungle gym too which she spends alot of time on. People tell me I spoil her rotten but I'd rather buy anything else EXCEPT another bird to keep her enthralled since she is after all, a HEN!

But for the most part, when she is with me (right now she is on my shoulder as I type this) she is the most delightful, affectionate bird and she loves people. My six year old granddaughter stayed with me over the weekend and it was wonderful to see Baby bond with her too. As Natalie sat on the couch, Baby would come over and hop onto her shoulder and start kissing her. It was so precious!

From my experience, its a matter of balance and finding things that keep them entertained/occupied. Perhaps a new foraging/preening toy, something to challenge him may help.

09-24-2007, 04:33 PM
yes, it is funny how someone out there can have the flip side of other people's problems. i also bought peaches a little jungle gym to keep her occupied while she's out of the cage...it lasts about 5 mins!! then she's back on me again. even if i'm lying on the couch she'll stay right on top of me, exploring from head to toe, but doesn't hop off to explore anything else! the only other activity that will keep her busy for awhile is chewing paper or taking a bath, otherwise she wants to be sitting on me. she also liked sitting on my fingers while typing on my lap top but now she wants to pull the buttons off! so i have to put her in the cage while i type.

09-24-2007, 05:08 PM
I went to a bird store this weekend and they actually had a BOING!!!! I was ecstatic. I hung it from my ceiling and both Kirby and Skittles LOVED IT!

A boing (or 4 in my case) is the single best investment I've made in my bird room. Even shy little Oliver loves to fly to the boings. In his cage it scared him to death but hanging from the ceiling, he loves it! I also have one hanging in Shy and Big Boi's cage and both use that one and the others hanging from the ceiling.

I can find inexpensive ones (not as well made) at bird fairs for under $10 but the ones I like best run $16 at my favorite bird specialty store.

09-24-2007, 06:42 PM
my little ones are all boing devotees. I have pint sized ones in their cage and then a big one hanging from the ceiling.
I got my velco-bird, itty-bitty a friend because i was concerned about his mental health. True, it got a little obnoxious sometimes when he wouldn't give me any peace, but he just seemed so obsessive I was worried. He was an assumed male, probably around 5 or 6. I adopted a female I found on craigslist, who was around 3. They didn't mate or cuddle, but did enjoy spending time together. It also relaxed Itty-bitty and he became much less clingy. He still needed a certain amount of 'rachel' time everyday, but there wasn't the same desperation of having to be on me all the time. If you are able to get a bird friend I whole heartedly support it. Even if they dont become best friends, I just think its good for them to hear a bit of chirping not just a human doing birdie talk... :)

Buy A Paper Doll
09-24-2007, 07:16 PM
Sometimes she's on my shoulder, sometimes she's an "earring" (hanging off my ear) sometimes she's a "hat" (sitting on my head) and sometimes she's a "corsage" (sitting on my b**b).

:rotfl "corsage" :rotfl I can relate, but I probably look even more ridiculous with two birds, one on each ... um ... side.

09-24-2007, 07:29 PM
A boing (or 4 in my case) is the single best investment I've made in my bird room. Even shy little Oliver loves to fly to the boings. In his cage it scared him to death but hanging from the ceiling, he loves it! I also have one hanging in Shy and Big Boi's cage and both use that one and the others hanging from the ceiling.

I can find inexpensive ones (not as well made) at bird fairs for under $10 but the ones I like best run $16 at my favorite bird specialty store.

Ditto loves his boing too. He's decided that he'd rather sleep on top of it (so high that he has to hunch over to keep his head out of the cage bars) than in his happy hut. I'm never gonna figure that little guy out.

He's got one of the medium sized ones that's stretched out to a little over 2 feet long. He loves to grab an avi-cake, and hop from the bottom, all the way to the top to eat it.

Sometimes I'll put my finger through the cage bars and he'll lean forward and grab it while walking sideways making the boing turn and he goes down, then when my finger gets as low as it can go he starts walking the other way so it brings him back to the top. :rofl:

Of course right now he shaking and jumping up and down to make the bell ring. :rofl:

09-24-2007, 09:34 PM
I wish i had velcro birds the closest i get to that is boo hanging from my ear or whatever she can sink her beak into and pierce lol

09-24-2007, 10:10 PM
Boings are the best! Celestino loves flying between the two we have hanging from the ceiling. He also loves to yell at birds outside. We have a perch in the window and he will yell everytime he sees one. I think he is inviting them in to play since he's obsessed with other birds. I'd love to get a video of birds to see what he does.

Our local bird club is having their bird show this weekend. I know my husband won't let me have another bird so we'll be getting him more boings and toys:clap

10-05-2007, 11:46 AM
Hey thanks for all the funny stories:rofl:. I don't feel so alone anymore:happy: . I have to ask what is a boing? Can I get it at petco? What does it look like?

10-05-2007, 11:49 AM

I think this is what they are talking about.

10-05-2007, 01:08 PM
Yep, that's it! I have 4 or 5 of them - one for each cage and one hanging from the ceiling. Like Janie, the best toy I ever bought :clap

10-07-2007, 10:49 AM
Thanks, I'm going to go buy one:) .

10-07-2007, 02:30 PM
Yep, that is it! :D You might be able to find one in a chain pet store but I've never seen one in those stores in Atlanta. Only at bird fairs or at one bird specialty store in my area. You can buy them on-line.