View Full Version : A new idea!!!

09-23-2007, 02:08 PM
My bird just got a new idea. Kiwi will eat for about 3-6 minutes then climb out of his cage and go poo right on my chair. It's really annoying because I have to clean it up at least 5 times a day also if I go to sit on the chair and I didn't noticed he pooped I will put my arm right in it:( . Does anyone have any idea's to stop my birds game?

09-23-2007, 02:19 PM
Birds tend to be very clean and will eliminate in places other than where they sleep. You lovie obviously considers the entire cage as his "sleeping" place so he's going elsewhere.....

You may have to cover his elimination places with something that can be removed and tossed away. Don't know if you can retrain him to eliminate elsewhere.

09-23-2007, 02:28 PM
LOL :rofl:
If I covered everything Jack pooped on, you'd never see ANYTHING in my house... including me and my husband :rofl:
Having a bird = poopy suprises :)
He does seem to favor the back of the couch, so I keep a towel there and wash it every couple of days. It's easy to fold up and put away when we have company.
Jack is not the least bit particular or modest when he needs to go... if he feels the urge, he lets it fly.
Everyday I just make sure to look everywhere he's been and clean up whatever he's left me. :p

09-23-2007, 03:15 PM
I read in a magazine you can potty train parrots. We decided to try this with Celestino and it works some of the time. We started by watching him and when he would squat to go we'd move him to a potty box. We ask him to please go potty and praise him hugely when he went. If he didn't we'd just let it be. Now he will either go right before he comes out or will potty on command. Since we've taught him this he rarely poops on either my husband or myself.

They say lovebirds aren't good at this so I never expected this training to work but like I said we've had good results. I think the secret was that we never pressured him to follow the command. Maybe you can train your baby too.

09-23-2007, 04:38 PM
. It's really annoying because I have to clean it up at least 5 times a day also if I go to sit on the chair and I didn't noticed he pooped I will put my arm right in it:( . Does anyone have any idea's to stop my birds game?

hahahahahahahaha sorry didn't mean to lol, but i've been there. It's funny because my bird leaves poops everywhere so she always manages to get me.

Something that worked for me was using tape, she used to land on top of my leather chair and poop,it would roll either all the way down the back or the front of the chair where I would sit, so I took some tape about 2 feet long and placed it on the top of the chair with the sticky part facing up, I then taped down each end with a small piece of tape, the first time she landed and she felt it was sticky she flew away right away and very soon after just stopped going there. Good luck

09-23-2007, 05:47 PM
Thanks for the good idea's I'll try them and see if any of them work. Kiwi will also find picture frames then go on top of it then poo. It's not very nice. I wonder if it's a game:confused: ????

09-23-2007, 07:40 PM
I really don't think it's a game, but rather it's nature. Birds poop! ALOT!! Perhaps he just discovered the frames as a nice place to play, and therefore, since lovies poop often, he poops where he is at the moment as he is having fun and playing.

I did one thing that really helped me - I accepted that Kiwi (that's my birds name too!!) was going to poop, and clean it up as often as I have to. It's part of having a bird buddy. I always have kleenex nearby, a wet towel, a cover to protect my couch, etc...

I have come to peace with the poop!!!! :) :omg: :roll: