View Full Version : How Do You Enforce These?????

09-24-2007, 09:17 AM
Cross post from Bird Breeder-Hobbyist:

It is illegal for hens to lay eggs before 8 am and after 4 pm in Norfolk, Virginia.

Ducks quacking after 10 pm in Essex Falls, New Jersey are breaking the law.

In Quitman, Georgia, it is against the law for a chicken to cross any road within
the city limits.

In McDonald, Ohio, farmers cannot march a goose down a city street. And fowl, particularly
roosters, are prohibited from going into bakeries in Massachusetts.

In Kansas, it is illegal for chicken thieves to work during daylight hours.

In New York, frogs may be taken from their ponds from June 16 to September 30, but
only between sunrise and sunset.

In Pennsylvania, no one is allowed to shoot bullfrogs on a Sunday.

In Arizona, the bullfrog-hunting season is permanently closed.

In Vermont, you can be fined if your pig runs in a public park without the permission
of a selectman.

French Lick Springs, Indiana, once passed a law requiring all black cats to wear
bells on Friday the 13th.

Madison, Wisconsin, will not allow joint custody of a family pet when a couple divorces
- the animal is
legally awarded to whoever happens to have possession of it at the time of the initial

Dogs in Foxpoint, Wisconsin, may not bark profusely, snarl, or make any menacing

In Texas, it's illegal to put graffiti on someone else's cow. [How dare
you write on my cow?]

It is illegal to ride a mule down Lang, Kansas' Main Street in August, unless
the animal is wearing a straw hat.

Over in Berea, Kentucky and also in Willamantic, Connecticut, horses are not allowed
out on the streets and highways at night unless the animal has a "bright"
red taillight securely attached to its rump.

Horses may not wear cowbells inside the city limits of Tahoe City, California.

In Washington, though, every cow wandering the streets of Seattle must be wearing
a cowbell.

In Burns, Oregon, horses are allowed in the town's taverns, if an admission
fee is paid before they enter.

You can't blow your nose in public places in Leahy, Washington, because it might
scare a horse and cause it to panic.

In Wanassa, New Jersey, a dog is breaking the law if it is heard to be "crying."

Our smile for the day! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

09-24-2007, 09:42 AM
These.....take the cake! :rotfl :rofl: :rotfl :rofl:

09-24-2007, 10:48 AM
I like these Pa ones even better...

Any motorist driving along a country road at night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue.

Any motorist who sights a team of horses coming toward him must pull well off the road, cover his car with a blanket or canvas that blends with the countryside, and let the horses pass.

Buy A Paper Doll
09-24-2007, 01:27 PM
Good thing I don't live in Virginia or Miss Melly'd be in jail! :rofl:

09-24-2007, 06:14 PM
Me and my dogs would have been in jail quite some time ago :lol

09-25-2007, 06:17 AM
Lol, that's hillarious! I always wonder what happened that's the cause of these ridiculous laws being passed...

:rotfl :rofl: :happy: :rotfl :rofl: :happy:


09-25-2007, 08:33 PM
I knew it all along! It was those darned roosters that created all the donut holes when they were allowed to enter bakeries in massachusetts. Wonder what animal puts them in now?............Michael and Goofy